Quick Post for Thursday - Only Have 20 Minutes

This is going to be a quick post just to let you know that I entered work yesterday morning with absolutely no idea what I was going to do with my 30-minute sessions. I left work with a successful set of therapeutic music experiences (TMEs) with my clients around the theme of dinosaurs!

This theme was inspired by a Groovy Joe book called "Ice Cream and Dinosaurs" and features a simple story. I paired this with a beat and rapped the entire book to my students. We did some free instrument play while I asked group members to identify their favorite dinosaurs from a magnetic play set that I have in my cabinets. Yay for using the things I already have and NOT making more stuff!!

I have a new schedule which is helpful for my brain because it has two distinct sessions for my 30-minute groups. I do session version #1 on Mondays and Tuesdays and session version #2 on Wednesdays and Thursdays now. Before, I had to do two different sessions every day which was a bit confusing for me and meant that I had to switch from one strategy to another strategy. I no longer have to do that. Other than two minor schedule mix-ups, my schedule has run smoothly.

Now, if I could only get the temperature in my room to be at a tolerable level, things would be nifty!

I am trying really hard to monitor my mental stability or instability as we are engaged in summer temperatures and humidity levels. At the moment, I am not happy about having to get up in the mornings to go to a really hot music therapy space, but I am feeling pretty positive about things. I tend to have more depression during the summer months than other times of the year, so it is important to express my feelings and work on the reasons behind how I am managing. 

For now, though, it is time to head out into the possibly rainy morning, get some gasoline for the car, and finish up this work week! Five more groups before I am done with music therapy for now!! 


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