Feeling Better Today: A Day Off Can Work Wonders at Times

I took a day off yesterday - a day just to relax and not do much of anything. I did take the trash and the recycling out to the curb, so there's that, but nothing else really happened. I ate spaghetti. I waited for the mower WHO DID NOT ARRIVE YET AGAIN! My lawn looks horrible. I am not getting any sort of communication from the person who insisted that I postpone my appointment to yesterday. I am feeling inept and invisible. Ugh.

I do feel better today. I woke up extra early, but I felt refreshed. Good thing, too, because today will be the hottest day of the season so far. I hope my room feels comfortable today, but I am guessing that it will not. It doesn't get better when it gets hotter outside - it gets worse.

Tomorrow is payday. I should be getting a bonus this month for longevity which has already been spent on a new water heater and water mitigation services after the events of last month. It will be helpful but not completely cover the costs that I have had over the past 30 days. Oh well. Sometimes the little things help the most.

This is turning into a bit of a complaining post which was not my intention at all when I started.

I do feel better than I did on Tuesday evening. I felt very achy then. I needed the day off to just not do anything at all. I am now compiling my list of things to do before my family members arrive in two weeks. There are lots of things to do, but I am chipping away at my tasks while finding new ones. There will be lots of things to do this weekend.

Before I can get to the weekend, though, I have to get through five sessions and a meeting today. I will take my lunch, my water bottle, and my brain into my hot, HOT music therapy room to lead five sessions with five very different groups of students. Before I leave for the day, I will figure out what I am doing next week in my sessions for the third of four weeks before the next break.

It is time to head out into the sunrise, leaving my home for about 9 hours. I am hoping that the energy and lack of pain this morning will continue until the end of the day. We'll see. See you tomorrow. 


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