
It is Saturday, and I am going to do as little as I can. Well, that's not entirely true. I have already found some resources on TPT for my culture of the month bulletin board, but that is about all I want to do for people outside my house and family today.

Saturdays are my only days off during the regular school year. In about 19 days, I will go on my summer schedule which will mean three day weekends which are wonderful experiences during months when I have more struggles with my well-being. I have tried for years to get a four-day workweek established and it was almost within reach (again) this year. So, when our next regular school schedule starts up, I will be returning to a five day workweek with some extra paid time off and a little bit more money as incentives to stay. So, we got a bit of a win - not the amount of time off that I wanted, but a bit more than we had before, so there's that.

For the next three weekends, though, I have one day to be completely on my own, and that day is Saturday. I decided to turn off my alarm light and just see when my body was ready to waken - 4:55am. I consumed some "bad for me" social media before getting up and starting a morning routine. I am watching The Bad Batch on Disney+ right now before I will head up to my upstairs to do dishes, laundry, and some cooking for the next couple of weeks. I have a long range plan to rearrange my kitchen but that will wait for my next break or my three day weekends. Today is just a day of rest.

Resting seems like something I am not entitled to. It feels like I "should" be doing so much more than I am, but I am working on feeling less of the "shoulds" and more of the "what-ifs?" It can be complicated to navigate worlds full of the demands and needs of others.

I am able to devote my day to rest because of decisions I have made in my life. If I had made other decisions, I would have other demands placed on me that are absent these days. The life I have made for myself allows me to find these moments and use them as I want. 

So, I am going to head upstairs and make some breakfast and some of my Grandma's chili. I might also make a casserole of some sort. We will see. I need food for the next couple of weeks, so I will cook and freeze things as my energy allows me to do so.


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