Fun Friday: Talent Show Day

Today is one of the favorite days of the year for many of my clients and the staff members. It's not my favorite day since it involves LOTS of work, but it is theirs. Today is Talent Show day. We do this every year around this time, and it always amazes me how many of my kids stand up in front of the entire school and sing or dance or strum a guitar in front of everyone else.

This morning, I will be printing off lyrics, disassembling my drum set, and toting the karaoke cart, computer, and microphones down to the gymnasium to set up for the hour. After the talent show, I will do the same process in reverse and take things back to the music therapy room. It is a labor of love, to be sure.

I will need to take my heavy duty Tylenol before I start up today. I will take a half dose now and the second half of the dose right before I start moving things down to the gym. We have some singers and some dancers and some instrumentalists who will be sharing their talents with us this afternoon, and I am ready to check this event off the 2023-2024 list of things to do.

The end of the "regular" school year is fast approaching, but I do not get my summers off. I wish I could have the opportunity to do so every once in a while but am content to think about July 2026 when I will be freshly retired from this job and getting ready for a new one. For now, though, I am going to haul my aging body up the stairs, take a shower, and then head to my job where I have documentation to do, lyrics to print off, and instruments to disassemble before hosting the event of the year!

See you soon.


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