Being An Internship Director: On Hiatus, But...

Being an Internship Supervisor – On Hiatus – Graphic looks like a hanging sign. The top of the graphic includes the website URL, “” followed by the title, “Being an Internship Supervisor.” and the words, “on hiatus,” on the part of the sign that dangles below.
I don't know if you read yesterday's post or not, but I have an internship interview happening a week from today. 

I know, I had all but decided to close my program, but then one applicant actually finished the application and accepted an interview invitation. I am getting ready to interview and audition a prospective intern again.

Am I ready? Of course, I am ready to move back into that sort of interaction with the greater music therapy world, I guess. If this applicant is accepted and then accepts my acceptance, I will have another six months before the start date to be therapist. By that point, I might be tired of being "therapist" and be ready to give up that role a bit to an intern. I might. I might not, but I can do it as well. I've done it before and can do it again.

First, though, the interview.

Interviewing for my program includes a visit to the facility (which I know is a bit of a privilege, but I want applicants to know what they are in for before they accept), a 10-minute therapeutic music experience with singing and an accompanying instrument with one of the groups on the schedule, and a day of observation and interviews with me. When I have interns, I like for applicants to speak to them (without reporting to me), but this applicant does not have anyone else to speak to about the program.

So, it will be time to show off my program - the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of it all.

I always get nervous before an applicant interview. Next Sunday evening will be rough because it will have the added stressors of an interview coinciding with the first day back at school. The students will probably be pretty good, but things will be a bit unsettled - we have new classrooms and new teachers and all sorts of new stuff. I hope that there will be some challenging behaviors, easily managed, but something that shows the type of thing that happens as part of the regular school day.

In the meantime, I am going to be spending this week engaged in cleaning and clearing my library and instrument rooms. I had a leak in my library closet which has forced my hand into doing something different in that room. I have been going through boxes and weeding out things that I no longer need or want. I will have some stuff ready to give away pretty soon. There are several boxes full of half-finished ideas and projects that I want to finish and then send out into the world. I have so many ideas that are unfulfilled, and I am simply frustrated with it all! It is time to get moving on my ideas...

Time to get going. Time to start listing the things that I have not finished and working on finishing it all. See you tomorrow for some sort of thoughts or situation... Happy Monday!!


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