This Is Why I Need Themes to Write About

I am sitting at my computer, listening to an episode of J.A.G., and wondering what I can possibly write about on this morning. This is why I need themes. I like having enough structure that I can predict what I will write about on most days, especially at the start of the work week. I don't always follow the structure, but I like having it in place.

I started my Songwriting Sunday series two days ago. I continued with my Internship Supervision series yesterday, but I am not interested in doing anything with therapeutic music experiences (TMEs) this morning. I feel like I have done everything I can do with that particular topic right now. Until I get inspired with a new way to think about TMEs, I think Tuesdays will be something else entirely.

I just don't know what they will end up being.

Finger update - I have been playing the guitar for the past six days. My finger still hurts, but I am able to bend my finger enough to get all the chords and the strength seems to be okay - no buzzing strings or missed finger placements, so I am feeling pretty good about it all. It has been funny to watch my clients realize that I am playing the guitar instead of the keyboard. Some of my students have never seen me play the guitar before. It has been a long six months of playing the keyboard, let me tell you! 

My guitar is so much a part of me. It is nice to be able to play it again.

Doot. Doot. Doot. I am just not able to think this morning. I wonder what is going on. We are getting ready for some heavy winds which should help with the overwhelming humidity we had yesterday. I am hoping that today's temperatures will be more tolerable inside my room. It is difficult to function when things get too hot. I am okay in hot temperatures if I have some moving air, but my music therapy room does not have any air movement that I can find. It gets hot and smelly in there.

Oh. It just thundered outside. I guess we are having some storm activity. That wasn't on the weather report. Interesting. Oh fun. We have a forecast of occasional thunderstorms and are currently under a tornado watch. Pays to check all the weather apps that I can access. So, we are currently experiencing 100% humidity and stormy weather. That's something that will change my morning plans.

For now, though, I am going to take a shower, get in my car, buy gasoline, and go to work. I have an extra planning hour this morning that I will fill with something. I am sure that I will find something to do. I can always clean my storage room. It needs it.

See you tomorrow for some sort of post - probably.


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