Still Wavering on the Edge of Something Else

My goodness. My blogging practices are lagging this week but are significantly better than last week's. Usually, on Wednesdays, I spend time just talking about anything at all. In the past, I have used labels such as "woeful Wednesday," "weekly wrap-up Wednesday," "website Wednesday," and "webinar Wednesday." I remember why Wednesdays were woeful - that group was horrible and set the tone for the entire day, but that group is no longer together. Things have changed.

As I continue to work on my journey of whatever this is, I am trying to figure out what types of things I want to focus on here. Perhaps Wednesdays could be a day where I think about what types of things I think music therapy students need to hear from professional music therapists. I could call it "Dear MT Student:" and go from there. Who knows if I will, but it is an option. I wonder if students would ask questions to be answered? That might be a good way to go.

I enjoy thinking about possibilities.

Right now, my possible future is clouded. I am not sure what I will be doing this time next year, and that is making things a bit more difficult to commit to anything. I do not know where I will be, so I am feeling like I am floundering. This is a typical situation for me when I have decisions to make and other people are part of those decisions. I do better when the decision is mine alone, but that does not happen often. Usually, I am dependent upon other people in decisions. I always think I will get used to the idea of waiting on others for information, but I do not.

This indecision and cloudy future perspective is coming through in my writing, and I do have complete control over this area of my life. This is one place where I can make decisions without the need for input from other people, and I am feeling the need to do something different. I don't know if this is due to the other things happening in my life, but I am no longer happy with my old themes. Time to seek out something new that interests me.

So, I am going to brainstorm a bit. I am going to think about what is interesting to me in the world of music therapy. Here is my list - in no particular order...

  • offering a professional's perspective on music therapy education and coursework
  • offering tools for music therapists to help them streamline their administrative tasks
  • making materials to help clients reach their goals
  • looking at how other people engage in music therapy and thinking about what works for me
  • answering questions from others
  • encouraging creative practices as part of music therapy in ways that are supportive of music therapy and in ways that are completely different from music therapy
  • helping professionals navigate situations with the profession of music therapy and where they fit in the bigger world
These are some ideas. I don't know if they will support a series of posts, but they are interesting. In fact, I think I will print this out so I have it in front of my face tomorrow morning or Friday morning when I am trying to figure out what to write about. I wonder if you have any ideas as well? If so, please let me know either in comments here or on the social media platform that you used to get here...

It is time to head out. 

Happy International Music Therapy Week, everyone!


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