Spend Time Creating: Space

Spend Time Creating: Watercolor swirls in pastel colors in the background. Text includes the following: “#MusicTherapyMaker,” “Saturdays at musictxandme.blogspot.com,” and the website URL: www.musictherapyworks.com.
It is Saturday, and I am back to blogging after a three day hiatus. I haven't blogged lately just because. I have no excuse except I just dinna wanna write anything. I have also not done anything on my #100DayChallenge since last Saturday, so I haven't been very productive outside of doing my regular work practices. I am trying to be okay with that, but there is always a little bit of self-criticism and flagellation in the back of my head. My goblins come out to play.

I am officially on Spring Break at this moment. The entire break is before me at this point, and I am going back into old habits of establishing so many goals and objectives that I may not be motivated to accomplish. I have a home repair scheduled for Monday and a home evaluation on Friday but nothing else to take up my time, so I am on my own for filling up the week.

One of the self-critical moments that I had yesterday (while in the midst of low-grade anxiety about my fingers and having to physically assist students in crisis again) was my recent lack of using my planner in a way that I feel is productive. So, I decided to try to do something different this week. This morning, I set three goals for myself. I want to cook the hamburger in my fridge, clean off the desktops down here, and upload my tax documents. Of the three tasks, the cleaning off the desktops will take the most time, but the other two tasks are the ones that I am dreading the most - not because they are difficult, but because I am uninterested in doing either of them.

Motivation is the maker and breaker of my goals lists.

I hate chores, and I find that much of what I want to do in life shifts into that category rapidly. I might think that cleaning off the desktops sounds good, but then I look at the desktops and rapidly become overwhelmed with how much work is before me. There goes the motivation - out the door!

So, I have to figure out ways to keep myself motivated and focused.

My end goal for this week off is to create more space for myself in my home.

I am feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that surrounds me, so I want to change that a bit. I am focusing on the library room this week. A couple of months ago, I put a bunch of boxes of stuff in the library, and I haven't touched them since. It is time to go through them all, clear things out, give things away, and organize! I have a very big closet in that room that is currently full of other boxes, so I would like to get to the point where I can move the boxes out and set up some shelves in that closet for books and my file folders. I have a vision, now I need to take steps to get closer to that vision. First, though, I want to clean up the work areas around me.

My creative work for this day will be creating space in my office and craft room. It is time to start up the process - first, I want to get some floor space cleared. There is a pile of stuff in front of my desk that I want to clear, organize, and vacuum. I have a starting point! I am going to take pictures to keep myself motivated, but I will probably not be sharing those pictures because I am ashamed of my level of clutter. There you go. The pictures will be for me and for me alone!

I hope that you get to spend some time being creative today.


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