Sentimental Sunday: Post #547 - 7 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Music Therapy

Today's Sentimental Sunday post is the most viewed post on my blog - ever, and I am glad that I happened upon this one in my morning perusal on this Spring Forward Sunday. Here it is - the 7 things I wish someone had told me about music therapy post. 

The sad thing about this post is that I think we still do not talk about these things much in the music therapy world. It has been almost 10 years since I wrote this first post and not much changes in the world of music therapy...ever.

I still think that we, as a profession, are on a precipice. 

We have to do better, as a collective group of professionals, at preparing our future professionals for this life.

I am reading through the report of the commission for the 21st century group very slowly. My initial reaction is that what I have read is very similar to what was recommended 10 years ago, but I haven't delved into things the way I should before I start to talk about it all. I am frustrated with how long it takes to get any sort of substantial change around our profession. I am also frustrated with bureaucracy in many different places, so I may be projecting some of my frustrations onto music therapy - I will figure out which after I read the entire report.

This topic from 10 years ago makes me think about the things I wish we, as a profession, would do differently. My thoughts have not coalesced yet, but they are definitely swirling around in my head.

More thoughts to come...


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