Sentimental Sunday: Post 1711 - The Must-Do and Want to Do Lists - December 15, 2017

Sentimental Sunday – Graphic has mottled gray background with yellow spindly flowers coming from off-screen on both bottom corners. In script, there is the text, “Sentimental Sunday.” Under the title text, in smaller print, the text states, “” and -the URLs of the blog and the website.
Good morning.

After two days of seriously angry attitudes and just feeling like everyone and everything outside of my home was stupid and set to make me even angrier, I think I am coming out of the mood - we will see, though. I haven't left home since Friday afternoon, so I am not sure if my anger issues have receded or just been unchallenged. Today's foray into the world will let me know if I am actually doing better or not.

My random number generator spat out post #1711 for consideration today. I went back into the archives and found this post from December 15, 2017 - titled "...The 'Must Do' Rather Than the 'Want To Do' List.

I am always a bit amused when I read past posts because they remind me that I am always struggling and striving to grow in many areas. This post tickles my fancy because it reminds me that I try really hard to be organized and to get things finished up in a logical manner but...

I haven't used my "want to do" and "must do" list viewpoint for a long time, but it really did help me figure out priorities when it came to specific tasks during a small amount of time. I am currently figuring out ways to do things in my current state of being, and I think this post is a good reminder of how to organize my work hours into things that are productive and that help me feel like I've used my time wisely at the end of each day.

Currently, I am working with time blocking and am recording what I am doing for every 30 minute period of time. I track my non-session time as well as my session time. I often do not use my time productively unless I have figured out specific tasks and priorities. I finished up three  therapeutic music experiences (TMEs) this past week - original music and full procedures - with my time blocking structure. I also finished up a piggyback composition - that one is still waiting for the TME procedure to be written before it goes into my database.

Time blocking goes on the big side of my work journal spread. The small side is reserved for notes, things to think about, and I think I will add in the "Must Do" and "Want to Do" lists on that side as well. I might use the Friday small side space for that list so I can work on the tasks throughout the week.

In the post from 2017, my main priority was to finish my documentation. That task goes on my time blocking list at the beginning of every day because it has to happen. It will not need to be on the "Must Do" list because it is already into the routine. Other things will make it on that list - things like TME production, practicing the piano, and cleaning. The "Want to Do" list might be a bit more difficult to generate as I get started back into this aspect of organization.

I often talk to my interns about time management and organization structures because I feel like mine is essential for my ability to do my jobs. I rely on a paper planner - I do not like being tied to a device as my schedule or calendar, so I use my books. My way of organizing does not work for everyone, and that's fine with me - I am not out to recruit disciples to "HOW TO PLAN AND MANAGE YOUR TIME" with MJ. I just share what works for me. Paper planner. Sticky notes. Colorful writing. The occasional sticker for decoration. List after list after list. Changing elements of my system to help with keeping my interest and to find different ways to do things.

I will try to incorporate these ideas into my current way of planning this next month. Putting together some must and want lists will help me prioritize tasks that have to be done - here at home as well as at work. I have more space in my home planner than I do in my work planner - by design - so, I can add the must and want lists there as well. For this week, one "Must Do" here at home is to fold laundry and make a clothing donation. Another one is to mop the kitchen floor - it is getting grungy. The last one for this week is to replace the furnace filter. "Want to Do" items include hanging pictures, emptying a box, and making a big pillow for my music room. We will see what I actually do.

None of these tasks are particularly difficult or all that time-consuming, but they are not things that I will do automatically if I do not make them a priority. Onto the list they go! Once those things are finished, I can either go to the "Want" list or put more on the "Must" list and do those tasks next. I am ready to try this again.

I am not sure why I stopped doing it before. It was probably one of the things that I let go during COVID due to the constantly changing environment that was happening in 2020 and my own grief responses in 2021. There were times when simply thinking was difficult and planning was nearly impossible. You all know that - you were there, too. For me, it meant that I had to figure out all sorts of things in a very short amount of time, settle into a new routine, and then have all that structure yanked out from under me - time and time again. About the time I would find something that worked for my brain and way of processing, everything would spin around, and I would have to start over again. I have found something that works for me right now, so I will add this thing that worked before into what currently works to see if it strengthens my system or complicates it. If it complicates it, then I can release it again and try to remember why it no longer works for me. If it works, then I can add it into my system and make it a habit.

What types of things do you use to organize and manage your time? What tools are helpful? What things have you tried and found untenable? What things to you think would be interesting to try in your work life? Let me know in the comments.


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