Catching Up: It's Been a Busy Week

How have you all been?

I've been absent from this blog for almost an entire week for a multitude of reasons including feeling sick, being completely exhausted due to said sickness, and then the Online Conference for Music Therapy conference this past weekend. I am still recovering from the illness and the conference, and the exhaustion has not gone away yet. I start occupational therapy this afternoon, so my afternoons will be taken up by OT in the near future (the doctor ordered OT 3-4 times per WEEK for the next MONTH!). This will mean less time at home to rest, but it may also mean getting back to playing my guitar with fluency.

I hope that is what it means.

I took up the guitar on Friday - just to see what is going on. I am not able to bend my finger enough to reach the high E string for a G chord right now. I am also feeling pain in the finger when I press strings down, so there is something going on beyond a simple fracture. When I saw my hand specialist at the beginning of January, he shared that it looked like there was some ligament damage with my fracture. That was a surprise to me, but I am not surprised since I am unable to bend my finger the way I can bend the one on the other hand.

I miss my guitar. I am making due with the keyboard, but I miss my guitar.

I ended up being the last presenter of the Online Conference for Music Therapy this year. Our last presenter was sick and did not push through, so I brought up an older presentation, but one that is completely relevant to folks who work with adolescents in a variety of settings.

I just popped into my email accounts with OCMT and found a couple of problems, so I have little time now to get myself going. I hope to write more tomorrow, but we will see. Happy first Monday in the shortest month of the year!!


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