Finally Friday: It's Been a LONG Week

Friday is finally here, and it looks like my morning commute will not be as difficult as I thought it would be. At least, that is what I am still hoping. It is about 4:40 am, and I am trying to figure out when I will leave my house and head out into the wind chilly world.

I have an intern graduation today. FINALLY! We were thwarted in our efforts to get this internship finished by Mother Nature who sent snow and ice on Tuesday and Wednesday leading to snow days due to impassible roads. Today, we are going in NO MATTER WHAT because it is time for my intern to get done with it all!! 

I was asked if I was doing a celebration for my intern. I do not do that because every time I plan a party of any sort, something happens that prevents people from attending. I've had to take interns to the emergency room on party days. Once is just bad luck, but I've also planned parties and then accidents closed down the highway getting to the venue. Water mains break on my party days. Ice storms. After about the seventh occurrence, I stopped planning celebrations of any all.

I do give my interns presents when they finish their time with me. I try to find things that are practical for their upcoming lives, so there is usually a bag of some sort, some instruments, and something unique to each intern. That's the level of celebration that the universe allows me to do, and I do it.

It is time to head upstairs to my shower so I can get an early start to work. On days like this, when the weather is iffy and the wind is blowing, I prefer to leave here early so I know that I have plenty of time and do not get time-stressed. After reviewing the state department of transportation site, it seems that there isn't much out there on the roads once I get out of my county. Let's hope that is true.

See you tomorrow? I hope so.


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