Thoughtful Thursday: Holiday Music - I am SO Over It!

It is halfway through this season of festivities and stuff, and I am tired of it all. I went to do some laundry (because my room is currently 60 degrees and not getting warmer during the day so kids are bundling up in the blankets that I had my facility buy since they are not fixing the HVAC system AT ALL), and the COTAs were painting applesauce and cinnamon ornaments with students and they put on Christmas music. Now, I do not listen to much Christmas music during this season because it is everywhere and I get tired of it all. So, I was hanging out in the laundry area listening to this music and watching my students either protest or become so enthralled that they were not doing anything they were asked to do.

I have three more holiday obligations to go before my holiday can start and I can flood myself with Christmas music. I will be able to listen without thinking about all the things that I need to do in the next 10 days because those 10 days will be OVER! I enjoy Christmas music, but this time of year means that Christmas music is something to do as part of my various jobs rather than simply for listening.

Does anyone else feel this way during this season? 

My to-do list is diminishing a little and then is filling up with small details that need to happen for the three more obligations that I have to do. I have to navigate the worker's compensation world in the midst of all of this while waiting for the hand specialist to get back to me about OT and stretching my ring finger back into guitar playing shape. There are the regular things of life on my to-do list as well - put out the trash and the recycling, get the car maintenance finished, stop by the bank to get holiday cash, look for new shoes to fit my strangely wide feet, and all the other things that happen when you live in this world.

Students have been strange but not out of control this week. We have had two special events not happen this year, so we are not interrupting our regular schedule with more holiday hoopla and music.

Anyway, here are the holiday songs that I love and will be listening to on my holiday:

  • God rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen - by the Barenaked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan
That's about it. That song is just perfect for me and my celebrations.

I also love lots of church music and things that I have performed in the past, but I don't listen to them all that much. I tend to gravitate towards the minor songs and to allusions of deeper theological significance in my favorite songs. "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" type songs. So, I will be listening to my minor songs, punctuated by occasional repetitions of "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen." 

Time to get going into this world of holiday music. It is time to check off some things on my list and add other things to that same list. Happy Holidays, all!


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