Day Nine - I Think: Break Chronicles

Well, my goodness. In the past 36 hours, so much has happened. Shortly after I finished writing about my day yesterday morning. my mother walked into the guest room and laid on the bed. I asked how she had slept and the answer led us to spend 14+ hours in the emergency room before she was FINALLY admitted to the hospital.

She is there now, I have extended my stay for a couple of extra days to support my sister, and things have changed a bit for the near future.

Now, this is just what you do when you are part of a family unit, but it has been a bit of an adjustment to make in the span of 36 hours. I went from having one more day today to two more days after today before heading back to the world of worker's comp doctors and my clients. Mom is less of a medical mystery than before, and I am thankful that we have a diagnosis that we can work with and through.

So, I am sitting here, all alone in my mom's house (which has not happened for many years - IF EVER, keeping the cat company. He is in the hallway where he can see me but not have to do anything with me.


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