Thoughtful Thursday: Writing and Thinking and Designing, Oh My!

I am currently in a medication fog, sitting here, trying to figure out what to write this morning. This has been a pretty good week in the music therapy room. We have finished fourteen groups and have only five groups and a whole bunch of individual sessions to go. Thursdays are the times in my work week where most of my work is behind me. While I wish that things were a bit more spread out, I am fine with having the schedule that I have right now.

While my brain is waking up, I am trying really hard to come up with some ideas to work on. I haven't written down any more TMEs for this week, so I am not moving forward on that goal... yet. I am changing how I am writing TMEs, so things aren't in my familiar manner - this is part of the experiment that I am doing to see if I am overloading interns with work. I figured that my familiarity with my system might make my time recording a bit less accurate, so I am now using a Google form to record my ideas.

The Google form that I am using includes all the pieces that I have in my Word document as my TME template. It just puts it into a different format which is the part that makes it take a bit more time for me. I have not started adding the TMEs I've put into the Google form into my current system. I am hoping that I will be able to cut and paste from the Google sheet into a Word document without any sort of problem. We will see if it works the way that I want. That is a future me problem, though. Right now, I am tracking to see if I am writing the TMEs on a schedule.

I am also working on a set of planner stickers for music therapists - things that we plan as part of our jobs. I am going to make them for me, and then I'll share if others want them. I am going to have some fun with fonts. 

Anyway, that is where my brain is going at the moment. 

I need to head out into the rainy world. It is supposed to be cold next week, and I am looking forward to it! We have the chance of a wintry mix on Sunday, but no snow in the immediate forecast. It is time to start my 50 mile journey to three music therapy groups, three individual sessions, and a date with the vacuum to get the room cleaned up a bit since my vacuumers are not doing the job that needs to be done. There you go! Oh, I also need to print out some things for our adult program to laminate. Add it to the to-do list...

See you tomorrow.


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