Sentimental Sunday: #2413 - March 3, 2020 - Shameless Plug and the Time Before

Sentimental Sunday – Graphic has mottled gray background with yellow spindly flowers coming from off-screen on both bottom corners. In script, there is the text, “Sentimental Sunday.” Under the title text, in smaller print, the text states, “” and -the URLs of the blog and the website.
One of the things that I like about doing these looks back into topics I wrote about before is that I have the advantage of hindsight to allow me to think through the happenings of those days. Today's randomly selected glimpse back into the past comes to us from March 3, 2020 - ten days before the world closed due to COVID. This was a chance to show off some of the work that I do and offer out there in the world for music therapists and others to get for themselves. 

Now, I am not really good at advertising myself very well. In March 2020, I was planning on having my first exhibition at the Midwestern Regional conference, but that plan crashed when the world closed. I still have not had an exhibit at a conference. This past year was the first time I went to a live conference, and I was not ready to try again. My next opportunity will be in 2025, and I do want to try to have an exhibit at that point.

I love making things for others to use for inspiration, and I want people to access the information. I try to make my stuff affordable for everyone. I just stink at letting people know about what is available for them to access...

That hasn't changed in the last three years, but my store has changed! I have more things available now. I decided to move my sing about song series over to TPT, and I am in the process of doing that now. The files for November and December are up now and for only $7.00 USD each! Where else can you get 4-6 fully developed and tested TMEs for less than a large coffee??


I always feel a bit queasy when I ask people to look at the materials that I generate. That's one of the reasons that I want to do an exhibit at conference - I figure that people who walk up to my table will be somewhat interested in seeing what I have to offer. Not everyone will buy, but it would be nice to see what people want and what they ignore completely. I now have QR codes available as well, so I can offer both digital and physical copies of things. I like that idea...

It is time to get back to journeying on this quest.

I am going to post all of my sing about song editions by the end of the month. That will send me along on my quest quite nicely. I will make another file folder activity available by the end of the month. This should help me in my quest to be creative without having to use my broken hand much...

Off to upload some more files to my TPT store. Check it out, please!!


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