Spend Time Creating: An update on my first week's TME experiment

It is Saturday. I don't know if you noticed, but I didn't write on Friday - mainly because I was VERY crabby and in some pain after my Thursday sessions. Long story, don't want to dwell on it here. 

I spent some time creating this past week, and I was very close to accomplishing my goal of five TMEs. I have 4.5 finished, but the song for the last one hasn't really solidified yet, so I cannot finish the last one until that song just becomes concrete to me. I took about 150 minutes to get the TMEs finished up (except for the last one - I gave up after about 30 minutes of trying to force it to be done when it didn't want to be forced). About 45 of those minutes were also combined with making a form to use on my Google Drive for my TMEs database which I have now shifted to my personal address rather than the work address.

I now have my TME setup in a form rather than a word document. It is taking a bit of time to get used to the new format, but it is always good to try something new every so often rather than staying in the same old situation. I am not intending on adding my older TMEs to this database - it would take me forever and a day to translate those things, but I will have my interns use their own databases to submit their TMEs to me in the future. My current intern is out of luck, though, since I just started this and the intern has only a small amount of time before the assignment is due. I can't change how things are done now, but I am working on how to update things to make them easier for interns who are completely digital.

Speaking of being digital, I am working on learning how to draw on my tablet. I got a stylus that works with my devices, so I am now trying to figure out how to turn my occasional hobby of drawing into something that I can print and then use for journals or gifts or music therapy giveaways or to sell... I love watching people draw stickers and then print them out, so why not try it?

So, I now have something to try out - my digital art learning. I have an app - that it itself is something pretty amazing for me to try out. So, I will be playing a bit to see what I need to know before I can get to the end of my quest which is to make digital art. There you go.

It is late this morning - 9am - and I am just now really sitting down to get my Saturday going. I don't have any appointments or needs this week, so I am just going through my day. I did not sleep in - I don't do that - but, I did stay in bed until we had a momentary power outage (more of a hiccup) that reset my internet connection. That happens around here on a pretty regular basis for some reason. Anyway, that interrupted my content watching on my tablet, so I got up to restart the computer and start my day. I've been spending the last hour and half going over emails, setting up other forms, and just thinking about things. I also played some of my games and have just been wasting a bit of time - it is Saturday, after all. My goal for today is to pick up enough stuff in my downstairs rooms to vacuum most of the carpet. That's the goal.

By picking things up, I hope to get some creativity happening. I often find ideas arriving while I am doing things like vacuuming the stairs. I want to have more organization (constant quest for my life) when I am finished this cleaning. I want to find my file folder stash of pretty folders before the end of the day, so I have some boxes to open up and explore. I also have a box of childhood toys to sort through and display somewhere in my home. Before that happens, though, I need to finish writing and then get started with my general picking up process. See you tomorrow for a look back at what past me was thinking on a random post back in the day...

See you soon!


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