Two More Days...

I have two more days of work for this summer session, and I am overly ready to be done with all of this stuff. There is so much to do, and time is getting short. I just want to get finished and get going.

Everyone else at work has an additional week to go, but I am taking all of my professional time for this new school year to go to the World Congress. The best thing about this is that I get to spend time in a new country with music therapy colleagues. The worst thing about this is using up all my professional days in the first three weeks of the new contract year. I will not be using any other professional time this year, but I don't need to. I have recently re-upped my board certification so I have no need for continuing education this year, so no need for more professional time.

I have eleven sessions to go through before the end of school happens. My intern is now doing full sessions, so I am moving into an observation role rather than a leadership role. I have to lead five of the eleven sessions and take notes on the other six. 

We had a relaxing day yesterday with two canceled sessions due to a field trip. The students came back because it started raining, but they did not come to music therapy, so we still had a break. I used my time to finish the first tract for my interns - content creation. That reminds me, I want to print that so I can keep working on it during my next break from school. I want to have three different tracts for my interns to work on to gain extra hours during breaks and hiatuses from the program. I am attempting to get self-study courses going for interns to help them prepare for their intended futures. My end goal is three courses. I have one finished, so two to go!

My relaxing days at work lead me to coming home and not wanting to do much of anything when I get home. I am mostly packed for my upcoming trip - I keep finding things that I want to put into the suitcase that I really don't need, so one of Friday's jobs is to go through everything that I put into the suitcase and winnow out what I do not need. I want to put in a swimsuit because my family feels like swimming (we will see if they still want to do that when it is significantly cooler outside than it is where they come from). I have to get my desk under control because things are piling up in ways that are overwhelming. I also need to make sure that I get all the bits and pieces that I need to take with me into my travel bags. 

In addition to travel preparations, I also have to supervise the removal of weeds from under a tree that I apparently am responsible for - according to the city which sent me a certified letter about being out of compliance with a city ordinance because a tree (which I thought was beyond my property lines but apparently belongs to me) has weeds growing under it. I am not interested in a special assessment added to my property taxes, so I get to spend money that I had not budgeted for this month to get those weeds cut down. Apparently, I also own three parking spots that my neighbors use for parking. Interesting to know where my property lines are - I did not know that before now, so something good happened.

For now, though, it is time to take a shower and head to work a little bit later than usual. I was at work really early yesterday, so I think I will be on time today. Have a good Wednesday. If you are going to the World Congress, please talk to me. Let me know that you read the blog, and I have a gift for you!! I am looking forward to traveling and being with my family and friends. It is almost time!!


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