The End of Summer Session 2023

Other than a meeting with my intern, I am finished with the 2023 summer session of school. We ended up vacating the music therapy clinic when the temperature started at 75 degrees F yesterday. I had to spend a bit of time in the room, finishing my notes, and setting up the CD player so folks can have some music next week, if they decide to brave the heat. 

My breathing feels a bit better today. The cough is back - I don't know what it is in the room that is making me sick, but I have my suspicions. I am hoping that an extended amount of time away will help me breathe better. We will see.

I got some good financial news this morning when the city told me that they have been significantly overcharging me for water. My bill had gone from $70 to $331 per month over the past two months. Apparently, the new "smart" water meters that they installed were messed up, so I get a credit for all the money that I have sent them the last several months! That is really helpful since I have a water pressure situation to fix and tree removal to pay for - also part of the city's expectations. The best part of this is that my palms were itching yesterday - there is a wive's tale that itchy palms mean that money is coming your way. This was good news.

It is time to get my upcoming trip to the World Congress organized. I have bits and pieces put together, but I am not completely ready yet. I just found out that one of my travel companions is not coming after all. I am sad about that because I was looking forward to spending time with all these people and now we are down one. We will still have fun, but I am sad about missing one of our number.

I have spent some time looking over my presentation for the World Congress. I need to go over the materials all together to make sure that everything works together. That's the next step with that part of the World Congress. I just found out that I have to have my presentation prepared in a way that I have not prepared for, so there's that little detail to navigate. I have to figure out what versions are going to be shared and then get things organized.

Right now, I am in the angst of too many details and less time to get things done than I want. This is a problem because I am overwhelmed by all the details that I have to work through. As a result, I am a bit snippy about things that really shouldn't be a big deal. I am scared that I will forget something really important and will be scrambling to figure out something else. So, I am working on identifying what needs to be packed, figured out, and finished based on various categories like clothing, finances, and then professional stuff...

Time to get this going, so I am going to close here. I have to remember to send a link to my intern about our Google meeting later this morning... put it on the list!

See you tomorrow for our Create Saturday post. What will I share?? Stay tuned!!


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