Spend Time Creating: Watercolor swirls in pastel colors in the background. Text includes the following: “#MusicTherapyMaker,” “Saturdays at musictxandme.blogspot.com,” and the website URL: www.musictherapyworks.com.
It is Saturday again. It is also the start of my next break from work. It is time to spend some time creating and then sharing that creation with you all. So, what should it be? Should it be a folder activity? Or a game? Or a TME? Or another type of project completely? The nice thing about the directive on the picture - Spend Time Creating - does not specify any sort of creativity. Anything goes on this day!

This is the second Saturday where I am trying out a new blog post topic. My thoughts are preoccupied by events happening really soon, but I have plenty of things that I can share with others during these posts, so let's go for it! Here's an idea that I can share with you all !

I did not create this, but I now know how to generate a file like this. I went through the tutorial, and it is really easy, once you know how to make the code! Here it goes!!

Word Search Puzzle

I am in charge of the cultural monthly curriculum for our school, and one of the things that I like to make are word searches based on the culture and other versions based on the music that we are learning. Now, I like doing things, but I REALLY like doing things easily, so I went in search of an easy way to make these puzzles for my students. I was able to find a template that I really enjoy, and here is the template!! I love this template. It makes complete sense to me, and the author of Data Driven Manufacturing explains how to set up my own type of file in Excel for other types of files. I like this so much!

I don't have any of my word search puzzles here at home, but I use this file quite often to make up additional ways to impart information to my students. Some of them love the word searches and others do not. I love putting in secret messages as bonus words. 

How would you use this with your clients?? Let me know in the comments.


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