Done - First Day of My Official Break

I am home from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and the World Congress for Music Therapy. I am recuperating from some pretty severe jet lag caused by my trip back home from the western side of the continent to the eastern side of the continent and then back to the middle of this continent - all in 24 hours.

Vancouver was a beautiful city, with many beautiful things, but it was also a city that had lots of unhoused people who were shooting up on the streets. I have never seen heroin users shooting up before, and they were there, all over parts of the city. Apparently there are no prohibitions to using drugs as long as you only possess enough for personal use. As a result, there are many people who are using drugs and unhoused and with mental illness wherever you go. My therapist nature kicked in and wanted to problem-solve, but my attentions would be better focused here than there. It was interesting to see and experience.

One of the things that struck me about the things that we did during the week was the number of tourists. I heard bits of all sorts of languages in all the places we went. There were tons of families with little kids running around, making comments in languages other than mine. Yet, in our tours around the city, it seemed that the city itself is enriched by people from all over the world as citizens. It was fascinating to see little restaurants standing next to one another from different parts of the world. We found Indian food next to Thai food next to Palestinian food places. It seemed that the city itself is very open to persons from all around the world.

We spent some time on the Hop On Hop Off bus going around and around the city before we went to different things. We went to the aquarium on our first full day in the city. My sister and I enjoy aquaria, so we tend to go to them when we are traveling. We didn't find one when we went to Kauai, but we have been to several around the world. This one was a smallish one, but it was full of interesting animals and conservation reminders and interesting projects happening right now. It was raining that day, so we spent the day in a damp state. My hair went crazy with all the salt air and the rain. After the aquarium, we went back to the hotel for an early dinner and rest. 

Day two was a bit more active as we went to Granville Island. We planned on going there because of my uncle whose first name is Granville - a family name from way back. The island (which isn't really an island) was a shopping center. I bought a couple of small instrument toys. I hopped off the bus a bit before my family did because it was time to start up conference me. I had to provide my presentation and then attend the opening ceremony.

After day two, my time was taken up with conference time and spending time with my family. I enjoyed having them around to allow me to shrug off some of the social options available during the conference. I went to several presentations that were not really all that inspiring and a couple that made me think more deeply about myself. I went to one that was very interesting. 

On Thursday, I ate some ice cream and my nose started running. By Friday, I was a miserable snot rag who had to wear a mask because of the runny nose and the coughing. I left after two presentations, giving up the last day of the conference in favor of sleep and rest. I finally got to eat poutine (loved it, want to make it for myself!). We then packed up and I said goodbye to my family. They had to leave about 4:30am, and I spent the morning in the hotel room by myself before heading to the airport. I got there EXTREMELY early (of course) and then spent the rest of the time in transit between there and here. After one train ride, four airports, seven assigned gates (because they changed the gates LOTS), three planes, and a long drive home, I made it. I brought my stuff into my house, called my mom to let her know I was home, and then I went to bed. I slept for about four hours yesterday afternoon which kept me up last night. I woke up an hour later than usual, but I feel like I am getting back into my pattern of sleep/waking. 

School is over for the summer, so I have ten days ahead of me to get ready for the start of the regular school year. As I look around my home, I can see the areas that I need to focus on in the next ten days, so I will work towards some more quests. It is time to get back into a routine and to focus on things other than travel and the World Congress. This trip took over my life for a very long time, so it is time to figure out what I can focus on now...

Completely unrelated, I just spent $6 on TPT to buy a Star Wars type music decoration packet. The Bulletin Board Lady had some posters that I will print out when I get back to work, laminate, and then put on my walls - because I like it! I do not often buy stuff - my facility often purchases things for us to use, so I use those things - but this is music-specific, so I bought it for myself.

I have not made my lamination space in my current bedroom yet. That goes on the quest list. I want to make some things for my music therapy clinic, but I am not doing that because of the plans that I have for the lamination space. There is lots of stuff that I have to get rid of in that room before I will have said space, so I am not making the things that I want to make. It is a vicious circle in my brain.

I think I will approach my quests the same way my sister approaches vacations - something to do every day. Today's quest element is to move boxes out of the bedroom into the craft area of the living room. Tomorrow's quest element is vacuuming the room so I can start setting up the laminating space on Wednesday. Thursday's quest element is to go through three of the boxes to see what to keep and what to toss. Friday's quest element is to finish up the room the way I want it to work. That's the plan. For now, though, I have to get dressed, start the trip laundry, and head to get my medications and my extra stuff on the list. Time to head out. 

See you tomorrow?


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