Break Chronicles: Day Two - The World Congress Begins!

It is early on day two of my break, and my Mom is starting to stir a bit in her slumber. I have taken a shower and am waiting for her to wake up so I can change the pant selection I made in the dark. I decided that jean leggings were just too casual for tonight's World Congress Opening Ceremony. I'll go for black leggings instead.

The Congress starts off tonight with the opening ceremony and a welcome reception. Even though I have paid for the reception, I am going to skip it for several reasons. First, I do not relish being out that late and having to walk back to my hotel by myself. Second, I think I will have enough socialization and interaction with folks during the opening ceremony. Third, I have a workshop in the morning that I must go over again and again and again. My nerves are getting more and more intrusive as the time goes on. By this time tomorrow, I will be a nervous wreck, but, by this time on Thursday, I will be calm as a cucumber because I will be able to simply enjoy rather than anticipating what is to come! Whew!!

Today, my family and I will be going on a bus tour of Vancouver, hearing a bit about the city, and seeing some sights. We took this bus yesterday to get to the aquarium and back again. We learned that Vancouver is an expensive city to live in. We learned that it is a multicultural city. Based on the number of homeless people that we have encountered so far, it seems to be a city where people flock to when they are unhoused and have mental health needs. My friend and I are both magnets for those with mental health issues, so we have encountered many men with some very obvious needs. It is difficult not to try to help, but that is not what we are here to do.

The forecast says it is supposed to rain today after raining all day yesterday. There is a bit more sun peeking through the curtain slit in our room today than yesterday, but not much more. We still went on a journey yesterday, walking from the bus stop to the aquarium through tall trees and beautiful shrubs. I didn't have any issues with the pines that are present - my medication is helping me navigate this new climate with ease. I have had to take my inhaler several times so far, but that's to be expected with my recent forays into pulmonology. It isn't to the point where I regret not bringing my nebulizer, so we're all good here.

Mom is up, my computer has rebooted several times already, and it is time to end this and start the day.

Music therapy colleagues, it is time to meet in Vancouver. If you can't be here, then stay tuned here - I will tell you a bit about what I am learning at this conference. Here we go!!


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