Being An Internship Supervisor - Break Is Over, Time to Go Back to Work and Mentoring

It is time to go back to work and back to my internship program. Intern #36 will be leading opening interactions and one therapeutic music experience (TME) for two groups today, and I will take over those two groups and lead the other two groups we have on our schedule. I have the country of the month on my schedule, but I'm not really feeling it today. We will see what I end up doing with my clients in my groups.

It is always interesting to watch each intern develop into their own style of therapy. Interns tend to start off as beings who are focused on strumming and making the chord progressions happen. As they become more practiced and more comfortable in the leader role, they are able to assimilate client responses to music into their interactions, but it takes time.

Today will be the first time that I sit with my clipboard to give formal observation notes for my intern. I have a form that I printed on 500 sheets of NCR paper (you know what that is - it's the type of paper that you can write on and have a non-carbon copy - think yellow copies go to me) that allows me to track what observations I make throughout an intern's time with me. It incorporates competency tracking as well as goals and data. If you would be interested in seeing this form, just click here. This form works really well for me, and it seems to focus my feedback on the things that I want to express to my interns.

I will only be taking notes for a short period of time during each session. The rest of the time, I will be leading our TMEs. I am not sure what I will be doing with my clients this week, but I will figure it out. I always do. 

Break is over. I am unhappy about having to go back right now, but it is time. I am hoping that the next two weeks will be professionally stimulating and a chance to engage with my clients in a meaningful way for them. It is only eight work days before my next big adventure. I can do this.

It is time to take my shower, brush out my short hair, and head to work. I will get to work, wade through all the emails that accumulated over the past nine days, and then figure out what I want to do with my clients. I will test out my singing voice. I will also monitor the air conditioning and my breathing. I will prepare my feedback form for my intern, and then I will relinquish the leader role for part of two of the four groups that are happening today. It is time to move into the role of mentor and observer rather than lead therapist.

Happy Monday.


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