Nothing to Do With Music Therapy - All About Me

Today is day 38 of this particular round of illness. I am tired of coughing. I am tired of wheezing. I am just plain old tired. I am thankful that I am now working with a doctor who specializes in things like this and who have given me direction on when to call and for what. It is helpful to have more than medication thrown at me - though, there were certainly some new medications started on Saturday morning. There were also some medications taken away - which was nice. I prefer it when things are shifted rather than just added on...

I also have an order that I have to be in an air conditioned environment for my breathing. My room has not had a functioning air conditioner for a couple of years now. For some reason, the maintenance department feels that my air conditioning system "cannot be fixed" and then uses that as an excuse not to fix it. All other air conditioning systems are fixed pretty quickly, but not mine. It will be interesting to see what happens since my doctor has stated that I should not be working as long as I am coughing. I have four days before I have a week off, so I am hoping that I can get an air conditioned area that will allow me to do my job. It is hard to be sick when I have a new intern and have used up all of my time off - yet again.

I tried so hard this year to have some sick time at the end of this contract year. I almost made it.

Today, Intern #36 starts the process of building up leadership with the assigned caseload. I have no idea what I am going to do with groups since I refuse to be in my room until it is air conditioned. I don't have another space to do music therapy available. We will have to figure it out, though. I will probably end up in classrooms. I am still not singing much because I have laryngitis and am afraid of developing nodes. I think we might just get out every single game that I own - maybe some rhythm skip counting BINGO and instrument BINGO, mini uno cards, and board games. We did instrument memory last week when I went to others rather than spending lots of time in my room.

I am tired of being sick. It is very interesting to me that we have had a very strong smell in the music therapy suite for most of the time that I've been sick. The problem I have had with all of this is that it has not been better when I've been home - it has been the same. So difficult to figure out what is going on. I have had quite a bit of blood taken in the last three days for allergy testing as well as all sorts of other things. So far, the tests have come back within normal ranges for all the things that would indicate other, underlying complications, so that's good. It means that there isn't a clear reason for what is going on...yet. We will see what the allergy tests reveal. I know that I have allergies, but my pediatrician told my parents that there was little use in testing because it would reveal that I was either allergic to everything or allergic to something that would never go away. He preferred to treat my allergies without knowing what was behind it. He is also the reason that I still have my monster tonsils in the back of my throat.

It will be interesting to see what my blood reveals about my allergies. They will test for food allergies, contact allergies, and airborne allergies. I am curious. 

Curiosity should be revealed soon... and then the bills will start coming.


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