This Week...

This was a strange week, but something that is pretty usual for me in the month of May. May is ALWAYS a difficult month for me - lots happening and extreme exhaustion are the normal settings. This was a busy week, and I am glad that I am in my Saturday.

The best/worst thing of the week was kicking some of the kids out of the talent show due to disrespectful behavior towards everyone. They are plotting all sorts of situations and attempting to follow through. The good thing is that these kids tell people what they are plotting which ruins their attempts. They haven't quite figured out how to be quiet about things. Heaven help us if they figure that out...

The Talent Show was yesterday. I provided a yarn wig for the student who sang "Let It Go." I figured out how to amplify my Spotify account loud enough to support my singers. I was able to rig my old karaoke system to run two microphones without interfering with the music amplification - I've never been able to do that before.

Acts dropped right up until the show itself. We started with 26 acts and ended up with 20. We went a bit over our time, but not too much. We also experienced singing, dancing, and one guitarist. No one picked the drums (I was VERY excited about that since it meant I didn't have to move the set from the music therapy room to the gym. I had three students volunteer to help me move things from one place to the other. I hadn't asked, but they helped out.

We haven't had a Talent Show since 2019 because of COVID. Last year, I was still in the throes of COVID fear and didn't want to be in the room with 150 people. At this time last year, I still hadn't had COVID, but I was still scared that the Talent Show would be a place where we would get another outbreak, so no Show. The two years before, a show was not even an option. So, we had the first Show in years yesterday. I am hoping that COVID will not be part of our near future, but I think that we will be okay.

The gym was very hot. I mean hotter than hot. I mean the gym was so hot that I was worried about how hot is was BEFORE 150 people crowded in. I'm not going to complain about the lack of air conditioning in my room because the gym needs significant work to make it habitable. I was so hot and sweaty.

I managed to get into a fight with the Marketing department at work who decided to take over a bulletin board that is my responsibility WITHOUT asking ANYONE about it. I removed all the things that they put up and put up the things that I had for the board. After that, one of the Marketing people came to my room to demand a list of performers for the Show. I was elbow deep in wig yarn and getting ready to run a group session. I was not able to drop everything and provide this person with said list. (I was also a bit angry about the bulletin board still, to tell the truth...) I told her that she would get it after my group, and I complied with that demand. They wanted the professional filming crew to film the Show. I informed the crew that I could not be filmed. They told me they would not film me. They stayed in the room for about 5 seconds before leaving. I think the kids scared them off, to be honest. My kids are wonderful, but they can be a bit unsettling if you aren't used to them. I'm used to them, and I love them, especially the ones that just get under my skin...

So, it was quite a week. I am tired today, and I have one things that I have to do away from my home. I may do a bit of shopping. I'll be going by the two thrift stores in my area of town, so I should probably stop by. It is graduation weekend, so there may be some good stuff for sale. Next weekend will probably be better, so I might just go shopping twice. I have some extra money this month that I could cash out and then spend on the furniture that I want for my house. I need a twin bed frame and several chairs. I will probably end up buying lamps - that's what I tend to buy at thrift stores - lamps.

We have two weeks to go before a week off. In those two weeks, we have a concert by Mr. Stinky Feet (looking forward to that!), a field trip for one group of the school (no music therapy for them that day), graduation, and a field day. Once those things are over, school is over for the spring semester. We start the summer session a week later and go until the first week in July when we get another week off. After that, I have two weeks of the second summer session before I go to Vancouver with my family and friends for the World Congress of Music Therapy. I have to record my workshop before that time for those who are attending virtually. I should (goblin) work on my presentation... After the World Congress, I will have about a week and a half before school starts up again. The time off that this job provides is not enough for me to refresh, so I have to find ways to mix things up.

I have a new intern coming in June, so that will change things a bit. I am looking forward to welcoming #36 to the program. I have enjoyed the last three and a half months as Therapist with a capital T, but I am ready to be Mentor again. Well, I am not ready, but I am ready. Do you know what I mean??

I will be heading out into the world to sign some tax documents for OCMT and then heading to the thrift stores. Before that, a shower and some food... Happy Saturday!


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