Wednesday - Overwhelmed Self-Care

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a bit about wanting to remember self-care when I was feeling overwhelmed. I sat down with a post-it note and put some ideas of what to do in that specific emotional set. Yesterday, I took that information and made it into an index card reminder. Here it is...

A card with the title, "Overwhelmed Self-Care," and a variety of pictures illustrating the listed self-care techniques. Techniques include "sing loudly, ice water, cook, take a drive, stretch, piano, guitar, write it out."

The stickers are from Audrey Okaya - you can find her on Instagram - @audreyokaya if you are interested in purchasing some of these stickers. (Please note that I do not get any financial benefit from using anyone's materials - I just wanted you to know whose work contributed to this project. The colorful illustrations are hers. The black and white line drawings are mine.) With these stickers, I was able to make a collage of self-care themes.

One of the things that I wanted to focus on with this reminder card is that self-care does not mean going somewhere, but it can. There are many things that help me when I am overwhelmed with things happening in the world that do not cost me anything but a bit of time. Ice water is always a good choice for my emotional mindset - water just tastes different to me when it is ice cold.

I am thinking that this may become a series in my self-care regimen - self-care cards for different emotional states. Right now, though, overwhelmed is a good place to start.

Please note that this is not a way to finish projects when I am feeling overwhelmed. I already have a system in place for project completion. This card reminds me of ways to reset my emotional state and to take care of myself - not be more productive. There is value in pushing through, but if that is all that you ever do, you are not acknowledging that there is an emotional component to what happens to you. If a quick drink of ice water can help me with my project completion, then it benefits me to take that time. If writing in my journal helps me feel less overwhelmed and more focused or positive, then why not do it?

I don't know about you, but when I am feeling overwhelmed, the first thing that I forget to do is self-care. Stretching seems like an easy thing to remember when I am calm (like right now - it's been a good 24 hours), but I forget those things when my emotional state takes over. This visual will help me out. I am going to turn this into a print so I can put it up on my office walls or in my journals to help me remember.

I enjoy making visual aids - not just for my clients, but also for me. I find that visuals like this index card are good for my well-being. I like drawing them, making them, printing them out, and giving them away. This one can't be distributed since it uses the artwork of someone else, but I would be happy to do some line drawings and illustrations of my own (or using my licensed clip art library) for other people. I might be thinking about that for my Etsy store - I could do a digital download thing...something to think about here.

In my work office, I have several collages of different pictures and thoughts. Some of them are cartoons that make me giggle, even after seeing them for years and years. Others are reminders of past experiences. Still others are part of my various fandoms. I add and subtract to those collages when I feel like it. I enjoy having something to look at while I am working, so I create the environment that I like. I have been scouring Pinterest for some new pictures. It is about time to start printing them out, cutting them up, and affixing them to the wall. That will be a job for tomorrow - today is already full of groups.

Yesterday, I took an hour and laminated a bunch of projects for my clinic. I have preparation time set aside on Thursday and Friday for making task boxes and file folders for other classrooms, but I am working on getting my own visuals formatted and catalogued (still - ongoing project and is continuing). I have neglected my own projects in favor of the ones I have been doing for my clients' classes. That stopped yesterday.

I am glad that I dug into the pile of projects that I have been neglecting as of late. I found several sets of things that will fit into my April theme box. There are some animal themed cards, some music education games, and some song sheets that will bulk up the April box nicely. That box has been relatively empty until now for some reason. Next month's box is full of Star Wars and graduation stuff, so there isn't much room for new things. April's box only had a couple of recycling icons and some Easter stuff. That's it. Lots of space for new TMEs and ideas. Come to think of it, I haven't printed out the sing about April editions for that box either. That's something I want to get done...

Anyway, I have my self-care card for when I feel overwhelmed, so I am feeling confident that I can help myself in these next several weeks when the overwhelming situations of the Talent Show, graduation, field day, and the rest of the end of the regular year stuff starts up. Pull out the card, do something to help me be mindful, and navigate the emotion.

Happy Wednesday.


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