TME Tuesdays - Strategizing

Tuesday again. For new readers, Tuesday is the day that I usually write about Therapeutic Music Experiences (TMEs) which is what I call the things we do in music therapy sessions with our clients. There are times when I share entire TMEs, but I haven't done that in a long time because I sell TME collections to music therapists on my website. If you are interested, let me know. Anyway - It is Tuesday which means talking about Therapeutic Music Experiences (TMEs). I am heading into work after two days away - one professional day and one sick day, so there will be things to do when I arrive, including figuring out what I am going to do with my clients this week. Last week's common group focus was experiencing the violin because we had a concert last Friday (when I was gone for a conference - can't wait to hear what it was like!). I have no such focus at this point right now. Since we had Spring Break, my focus rotation was interrupted. Usually, this week would be the Musician ...