Thoughtful Thursday: Thinking Fast

Thoughtful Thursday 2022: Graphic includes a blue circle with a lightbulb on the right side of the circle. The circle includes the title, "Thoughtful Thursday," with additional text, "" and "Thursday thoughts and musings."
I have an hour before I have to head out into my bigger world. I woke up with a sore throat which can mean just about anything around me - strep, allergies, too much dry air. I am not running a temperature, so I'm thinking this is more allergies or dry air than anything else. Who knows? My life, at the moment, is just focused on getting my medicated body to work and back again.

I am not really sure what to write about this morning, but I feel the need to write. I am not really immersed in any of the things happening in the music therapy world right now other than the Online Conference for Music Therapy, Inc which seems to be only music therapy thing in my life right now. That is not uncommon for me in January and February, but I am sure that there are other things happening in the world of music therapy.

I have another thing to put on my list of music therapy to-dos, but I am happy about this one. I need to figure out when I will do all of the things on my music therapy to-do list. This one jumps the line to the top. In the meantime, I have lots of other things on my non-music therapy to-do list. There are so many things that I want to do and have to do that it is absolutely ridiculous. At the moment, as well, I am snowed under by my medication, and everything takes a bigger importance than it really should at this point. In three hours, this will be just another thing to get finished rather than the biggest thing EVER! It is amazing how much my life is affected by my medication schedule. Speaking of, I think I will take a bit of proactive medication to assist with my pain. Done.

So, my thoughtful Thursday posts tend to be less thoughtful and more reactive only because I am snowed under when I make them. It's kinda silly, but you know, I have to do what I can do in these moments.

My sister asked me why I am putting my face on my posts lately. and why those same poses are so strange and goofy? I didn't really have a great answer for her, but I feel like people need to see my face occasionally. The one from yesterday will eventually have a caption added to it - Into the Unknown! That didn't happen when I was late yesterday and couldn't remember how I added the caption the last time in the three minutes that I had available to me. I will be working on that.

I figure, why not be silly and goofy here. It may resonate with some people, it may put some people off. I did make the conscious decision NOT to post that particular picture on much of my social media. That's not the first image that I want to show up if you do an image search for me... I am that vain. On the other hand, I can be a silly and goofy person. I enjoy playing. I collect things that most people my age don't. I enjoy playing Candy Land with children and watching cartoons. There is no reason to deny that, especially here!

If we haven't actually met, please know that I am silly. I am goofy. I love a good prank (as long as it doesn't harm anyone). I will talk to you endlessly about the things that I am passionate about. I will also defend your right to believe whatever you believe because I think that we are all entitled to our opinions. If you tell me that my opinion is wrong, though, watch out. I am passionate about the idea that opinions are not right or wrong. They just are. You choose to have one or the other based on what you believe. I carry my opinions with me wherever I go, and I enjoy finding out what other people believe.

I am also a serious music therapist. I have done research, written theses, authored books for music therapists, and I can talk for hours about my passion projects. My area of interest and research has centered around competency-based clinical training for the last several years. I have deep concerns about all things happening in the music therapy profession, but I have to insulate myself from most of the discourse because, if I don't, I tend to get overly emotional about the arguments rather than the discussion happening. I am a music therapist who seeks respectful discourse and rational debate over the issues that concern all of us. I do not enjoy emotional rants and name calling, and I have found that music therapy social media is rife with such interactions. So, I have removed myself from all of those contentious groups and threads because I just get so angry! I do not need any more anger in my life! I already am immersed in angry people at work. There is no reason why I should be engaging in this type of emotion every place. I just don't need to be surrounded with drama. 

I protect myself, but I am interested in what everyone else thinks. I don't get much interaction through this post, but I see that there are people out there that read these posts. Thank you. Please know that I am an opinionated woman and music therapist who accepts you and your opinions. I may not share those opinions, but I will fight to end to support you in whatever discourse you want to have with me and with the bigger music therapy community. Just let me know.

Well, my nerves are starting to wake up, time clicks on, and it is almost time to get onto the road. I need to put on my therapy clothing and head out into the cold world. I heard that there might be some snow showers happening - we will see. The best thing about my house is the garage! No more scraping snow in the early mornings!! I LOVE that! In fact, a garage was one of my non-negotiables when I was house-hunting. So, I will grab a t-shirt and a pair of warm pants, some socks, and then bundle up for my foray into the world outside my four walls.

Today is a relatively light therapy day - three groups and four individuals. I will have some time in my office while I am observing my intern to fill. If my brain is working, then I will do something for music therapy. If my brain is not working, then I will sit there and watch. It is about time for my intern to start talking about termination with clients. Intern #35 is graduating in about a month. I sent out an offer to potential intern #36 on Tuesday. We will see if this person accepts the offer or not. Anyway, it is time to head out.

I hope that you have a good Thursday.


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