Systems in Music Therapy Friday...Or Whatever

 I still have no idea what I want to write about this day. I think I am out of personal systems to write about, so will this theme actually continue? Who knows? Definitely, not me!!

I am tired of doing the same old thing, especially when it becomes a chore rather than a joy to write. Ooh. I could go back to my music therapy stories and share them on Fridays. I haven't written much new lately, but I also haven't shared what I have written. This could become Fiction Fridays...

Ooh. That is really sending a thrill up my spine.

So, if you haven't been around, I've been playing along with the idea that I can write stories. I'm not sure that I can, but I'm having fun, and that's the most important part of all of this - finding fun. I am writing three different story threads that all fit together in my brain. The first story is about a music therapy student in the year 2049. The second is about a person called "The Heretic," and the third story is about an unnamed person at some point in the future who has to become a music therapist rather than someone who tunes engines. It makes sense to me, but may not really make sense to you...yet!

The best thing about changing my Friday series to something new is that I get to design a new graphic!! Here is the new picture!!

Fiction Friday – Background of the graphic is a multi-colored watercolor painting using lots of pastel colors. In the center is a transparent circle with the text, “Fiction Friday!” and a smaller line of text including the URL of the author’s website –
I like this one. It is colorful, simple, and completely the type of thing that I like. So, starting next Friday (because it is almost time for me to move out into the cold world to do the three groups and internship supervision on my work calendar today), I will share my stories with you. I would love any sort of comments and responses to what I write. I am getting ready to add my sister and myself into the story of the poor music therapy student in the year 2049. My opinions will be VERY strong in this chapter. I enjoy coming up with things to write about, and having a day set aside specifically for fiction may encourage me to keep writing.

If you want to read a bit of what I have already posted, please search for "Persephone" in the labels archive here on the blog. That will get you started with our music therapy student and how I think music therapy education will be changing in the future.

Thanks for reading, for commenting, for being here. I appreciate your eyes and your ideas.

Happy Friday!


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