It's Saturday, Right?

There is nothing more relaxing for me than a long weekend, especially one like the one that is ending today. I have had four days of being by myself, which I need on occasion due to my way of being in this world. I am a person who needs time away from others to refresh and energize, and the past two weekends have done that for me quite nicely. I have had time to just be me in my space and do things that are good for me. The craft area is a bit less cluttered. The office is exactly the same. I did cook yesterday, so the fridge is full of food, ready to be consumed shortly. I have an entire stack of things to laminate and prepare for my students. There are many things left to do, but that's what life is all about, right? Doing things.

A glass pan full of green and yellow food - this is my chicken enchiladas with cheese sauce dish.

My family seems to have a rule that laundry is only done on weekends. We're not sure why except that's the way it happened in our chore rotation. I guess Mom never really had enough of her laundry to do during the week - it would have been lots of little loads, and we are from water conscious Southern California, so we would bring all our laundry down and do large loads. Once Mom had to go back to work, we were responsible for getting our own laundry done. I don't remember if we did it only on weekends then, but that's the "rule" that my sister and I still do. My mother still does her laundry on weekends as well. It's silly and arbitrary, but laundry is on my list of to-dos for the next two days.

A glass dish with enchiladas covered with cheese sauce. This is my combination of french and mexican foods. We call it "Crepes Ensenadas" for some strange reason. This is my favorite food (that I can make).
I have given myself these days to just be. I have no essential tasks that had to be done at any particular time over the past three days. I was vaccinated for Shingles and COVID-19 on Wednesday, so my Thursday included a fever and extreme fatigue as well as body aches. So, I slept most of Thursday away. Yesterday, I felt better so I cooked. I did the cooking thing, started to clean my oven, nearly set off the smoke alarms, and then opened up all the windows on my top floor to air things out, and then went back to bed. Today, I want to work in my library, but I also need to get dressed enough to walk across the street to get my mail. I think I have a device for an at-home medical test sitting there, waiting for me. The only side effects that I have right now include a swollen, red spot on my arm that hurts occasionally and itches more often. MUCH BETTER THAN EITHER SHINGLES OR COVID, THOUGH!

So, since it is Saturday, I have some choices to make about how I use my time today and tomorrow. I can go see a movie or two. I can work in my library. I can watch mindless television. I can read my new books. I can do so many things that it can be overwhelming. What do I need to do? I need to work in my library so I can make decisions about where things are going to be most efficient for me. I have some energy at the moment, so I want to make the most of that occurrence. It doesn't happen often. It is time to use this energy. First up? Getting some clothing on and getting my mail from the mailbox across the street. Second task? Getting some food and eating it downstairs. Third, making my library a bit more comfortable. I know I can at least go through the boxes that are in there by the end of today. After that? Who knows what I will end up doing...

That's the best thing about Saturday. 


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