It's Almost Presentation Time!!

It is early on Saturday morning, and I am sitting at the computer, preparing to present on something that I absolutely love to talk about. You know it. Competency-Based Clinical Training! I am getting my Dropbox links ready and reviewing my Powerpoint and my reference list and coordinating my outline. I am looking forward to presenting and to watching the rest of the conference. This is the first hybrid conference that I have attended, so I am curious to see how it all works. The good news is that I can justify this time for CMTEs, if I need it. I am really looking forward to this opportunity to talk to music therapists. It's been a long time since I have spoken to new music therapists.

At the moment, I am printing out the final presentation to use for my own discussion and practice in the next three hours and forty-five minutes. I will use some of that time to organize the view behind me as well as to declutter my desk a bit. Once I finish up here, I have to switch to another Google account to download my competency-based evaluation to include in my resources.

I like public speaking. I always have. It is somewhat of a strange situation due to my introverted nature, but there is something about getting in front of a bunch of people to talk about something that I love. I have done only Zoom presentations and presentations for the on-line conference for music therapy since 2018 when I stopped attending AMTA conferences because I did not find what I wanted or needed from them anymore. This particular conference is all about clinical supervision and education, so it is completely in the center of my music therapy Venn diagram. What could be better?

That's an interesting idea - a music therapy Venn diagram. I wonder what mine would really look like...something to think about as we continue to conceptualize our profession. I am all about visual representations for my own processing, so that might be a project for me to think about. Making a Venn diagram of my interests and passions in music therapy. Has anyone out there ever done that??

I am in the nervous phase of this presentation. I want to get this started, but I know that I have time to go before my part of things start up. I still have a couple of things that I need to coordinate before I go into my part of the presentation, but I can't access those things until I finish up here, so I am trying to end this post. There isn't much more to say...


If you are interested in learning more about competency-based education in music therapy clinical training, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would love to talk to you about the concepts and methods behind my system. There you go. 


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