Civic Duty - Faith in My Fellow Humans

It's time for me to get ready to vote.

I am taking advantage of early voting this morning and casting my ballot for what I think about the people who want to run my state and represent me in the federal government. I know that my vote counts little in a state where my views are usually in the minority, but I still feel like I have to participate.

I believe fully that you cannot complain about our elected representatives if you do not participate in the process. Once that vote is cast, then feel free to complain away, but don't complain if you refuse to be part of our election process.

There you go. That's my opinion.

There's so much to consider this time around - things that will affect me directly and things that will not but will significantly affect others. All I can do is cast my vote and hope that other people will turn out and cast their own ballots. I am not picky about how other people vote, as long as they vote. The will of the people is the important part of this situation and system.

My faith in my fellow humans has been tested over my voting years. My choices win about 50% of the time, if I look at my election results over the years. Here in Kansas, my choice for senator NEVER wins. My choice for representative (both of these to the federal level of government, by the way) rarely wins. My choice for state representative always wins - mainly because she is not often challenged by anyone. Fortunately, I like what she says, so there you go!

I am putting my vote towards our current governor. I do not like the opponent. Any name that has been displayed in a yard with that person will not be marked on my ballot. I've been taking notes. I also spent some time on our election information page and have determined that I am voting against the referenda that are on this election's ballot. There seems to be some petty in-fighting happening that just doesn't deserve any sort of attention other than people trying to impose their will on a small group of people - seems pretty stupid to me.

I feel like this has been the theme of this election - one group of people, in an unaccustomed minority, are trying to impose their will upon everyone else. This often comes in the form of pleading with others to interpret specific issues through a narrow interpretation of one piece of scripture, especially out here. The thing is, you can find something written somewhere to promote ANY idea that you have - you can take scripture to justify all sorts of evil things. We see this time and time again in the rhetoric that people spew.

This wasn't supposed to be a discussion about faith, but I believe in looking at all social issues from a place of love first and foremost. Who will be most affected by these decisions? Are they people who can afford these consequences? Will this most affect those who cannot fend for themselves or who do not have a voice at the table? I can use my voice, small and quiet as it is, to speak for myself and in support of others. I am firmly on the side of people, not government, not religion, not business, but people.

I hope that you will exercise your own civil right this upcoming week as it comes to Election Day. Vote for the people who speak your language. Vote for the things that you want to see happen to our world. Please just vote. 


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