Amost Forgot - TME Tuesday - Well, Sort Of...

This is a later than usual post because I have been involved in a hunt for my birth certificate all over downstairs. It has been unsuccessful, but I did find an alternative, so I can still get my passport renewed tomorrow as scheduled. This is day two before I head back to break, and I am feeling like I am getting some things done. For example, I made an appointment to get my new passport BEFORE I absolutely have to! This is one of my 2022 quests, so I am feeling accomplished on this day. Of course, I still have to take a photo and get myself to the downtown post office to get this finished, but I am ready!

Of course, none of this has ANYTHING to do with today's topic about Therapeutic Music Experiences (TMEs)! So, let's get to the topic at hand...

I got distracted by my mini printer - my sister gave me a thermal printer a couple of years ago, and I FINALLY figured out the app needed to make it work the right way. I have already figured out my Sprocket, but I can't find my paper cartridges for that particular printer. I did get this one done - another quest step! I have one bookshelf almost finished in my library. Things are perking along.

In my mad hunt for my birth certificate (which is still not located - I have THREE copies of this document somewhere, I swear!), I went through two of my file cabinets and found all sorts of unfinished projects that will keep me occupied for a long time. I have always maintained that no idea is a bad idea - it just needs to wait until its time arrives. I guess the time is now for some of these projects.

So, my attention is flitting around from one place to another today. It is a bit of a manic feeling right now. I am not sure exactly why - it may have something to do with having two days left of break, it may have something to do with the cake that I ate for breakfast, it may have something to do with the upcoming full moon. I just hope that it lasts for as long as possible. It is a wonderful feeling to be fully aware of things happening and also finding the energy to accomplish some stuff. As soon as I find my hammer, I will finish the bookshelf and then slide the next one down the stairs. I have to figure out how to take a passport photo between now and tomorrow's appointment.

So, back to the topic at hand. Golly! I just cannot concentrate on music therapy things today.

As you know, I love making visual aids for my TMEs, but I also feel very strongly that a TME has to work without the visual. The visual should enhance the TME, not be the center of the experience. There are exceptions to this rule, of course, but I find that a TME has to be sound without the visual in order for it to be a true music therapy experience. If the visual is needed, but the music is not, then anyone can run the TME - it does not need a music therapist to be there.

I am going to go through those file folders that have been sitting in my file cabinets for years now and identify what I have to do to make them into file folders. I assume that there will be some trimming, some labeling, and lots of laminating to do before I am ready to release these folders out into the world, but there may be more to do than that. After I see what I have, I will come up with the TMEs that go along with each folder. Perhaps these will become part of what I have available at my exhibit in March. Perhaps.

 My life is out of order at the moment, but I am okay with that. I still have today and tomorrow to get some things arranged and some order established again before I go back to work...all the time.

I organized my cord box (does everyone have this? A box full of spare cords and plugs and extension cords?) and got things condensed. I also went through most of my memory boxes (looking for that birth certificate - I may need to order some more from Texas) several times. None of this is about TMEs though, is it?

So, what to do for the rest of today? Keep looking for the birth certificates...keep working on putting things away...find the hammer...finish the leftovers...take a a webinar for music therapy students about some sort of concept...fall asleep...wake up at 4:30 am to get back into the morning routine that has to start on Thursday. We have two days without kids - two days to get my new intern oriented and two days to rearrange my office space - again - and finalize most of my schedule. 

Here I go - into this year of change and transformation... 


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Um, no mention of the flowers....


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