Thoughtful Thursday:

I just have time for a very short post today, but there have been many things that I have thought about wanting to write about but those ideas slip through my head when it is actually time to write. I need to write them down - that is the best way for me to remember things that I want to remember...


The reason that I have a short amount of time is that I wrote a long email to a friend of mine. She has lost her husband quite suddenly and is trying to figure out how to be a single parent. We found out yesterday that my sister's best friend from elementary school had a husband pass away. This summer has been difficult for friends' husbands. I am finding that my own grief gets restarted when others experience their own losses. I have to remember that my grief is different from theirs, but I often find myself back in the throes of my own grief when I am thinking about children losing their fathers. I lost mine when I was 50, but Dad's absence still affects me. I am so glad that I had my Dad for all those years. My heart hurts for the children who have lost their fathers when the kids are so young. As a result of diving back into grief and trying to support those who are in the start of their own grief processes, I do not have as much time to write this morning. I wrote and rewrote the email this morning.

So, as a result, on this Thoughtful Thursday, I have less time than usual to write, the lack of ideas, and just a general ugh moment happening leads me to a boring post.

I did write most of an actual TME yesterday. I transcribed the melody for a song based on the traditional children's game, Simon Says. I finished the goal/purpose table, the therapeutic function of music table, and all pieces except for the procedure. That will be pretty easy to complete since the rules for the game are pretty well established. I just have to figure out how the music fits in. Fortunately, I do know how it fits in - I've done this with other familiar games before. 

I just remembered one of the things that I wanted to write about, but I only have four minutes left before I need to get out of here - Universal Design. There you go.

Happy Thursday, all! 


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