Two and a Half Days of Therapy

It is almost the end of the regular school year for me. We have one more week to work before two weeks of time off. We will see groups today, tomorrow afternoon, and Wednesday. That's it. That is all the therapy that we have before us between now and the end of the school year. Tomorrow morning is taken up with graduation and Thursday is the carnival. We have an inservice day on Friday, so no contact with students on that day. It will be an interesting week, to say the least, but we are all ready.

My interns are running the show now. I am doing very little therapy - in fact, I won't be doing any therapy this week. My group is scheduled for Thursdays and Fridays during the regular school schedule, so no therapy leading for me.

This is the most difficult time for me as a music therapist and supervising music therapist. This is the time when I watch someone else do the job that I love rather than being in there myself. This is the time where I have to remove myself from therapeutic relationship with clients because my interns need to be the primary therapist in the room. Now is the time when I have to figure out other things to do to keep myself awake during the long days.

Now, my interns are doing well. I don't want my attitude to be overshadowing the fact that they are doing well enough that they do not need me. I am glad that they are progressing well in their training, but that leaves me with lots of time to fill. Fortunately, I have a bunch of projects that I can do in my office while still listening and providing coverage to groups when needed. I just have to do them.

I am trying to keep myself from slipping into boredom. That's the biggest situation that I face as an internship supervisor - being bored because I am not doing the job that I love. I will be giving my interns feedback and finding other things to do over these next several months. My job is to be mentor and coach - no longer model or example or primary therapist.

That's okay, but it is the hardest part of this job - for me. I love being primary therapist. It is why I am still doing this job after 29 years of clinical practice. I am a good therapist, and I find the work itself very fulfilling.

It is time to head to work to watch my clients engage in what my interns have planned for this week.


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