TME Tuesday: sing about mini and sing about theme Editions

five black lines with the words sing about themes and the website address,
I am formally announcing the newest part of on this TME Tuesday, right here, right now, as I enjoy a couple of apple fritters and wonder how I can get rid of the ants that insist on liking my kitchen more than the rainy outside. I was going to launch my newest binder system this morning, but I do not have my jump drives so I will have to do some more steps before I can move forward with that project. 

As a result, I have to figure out something to write about today, so here it is! 

I have been offering my sing about songs for many years now. This is a collection of original therapeutic music experiences (TMEs) that I have produced for sharing with other music therapists. I have books, I have subscription series, and now I have thematic packets!

Do you ever have a time when you are stuck for an idea for a specific client or group of clients? Do you ever have to work on diverse clients goals during sessions? Do you ever feel like you are in a rut doing the same old things?  Do you ever wish you had someone to talk to about how to create new ideas?

If so, then consider buying some of my resources.

My first sing about theme packet will be launched on June 5th. People who subscribe to sing about mini editions will get theme packets as part of their monthly subscription. Theme packets will also be available as separate editions - for about the cost of one drink at Starbucks! Now, I just have to figure out how to get this news out to all of you!

A bit more about sing about theme packets:

  • These will come out once a month and will include 2-4 TMEs, one visual aid to be made by you, and lists of music and materials that support the theme.
  • It will be sent directly to you via your email box.
  • You can choose to subscribe to only sing about theme packets or you can upgrade to a sing about mini edition subscription for a couple of dollars more per month to get 5-10 TMEs and more (not all the TMEs in our mini edition are thematic - most are focused on the month of the year).
  • If you have theme ideas, I will take them!
  • Some of the themes are based on things, others are based on concepts or skill development.
  • TMEs are designed for use with many different populations. TMEs include ideas for adapting each experience to different clients.
The first one is coming... 


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