TME Tuesday: Adding To the Database

It is time to be stuck in my office more than I am actually working with clients right now, so I will be taking some time to update my therapeutic music experience (TME) database. I am several interns behind on cataloguing and linking things into my database, so it is way past time to get this finished...well, started.

I love the memories that come up when I delve into my TMEs. I get a chance to remember interns who are well-seasoned professionals now. I get to remember clients who are in their late 30's and 40's as well as the ones that are still in their teens. I stroll down memory lane while I am updating ideas and looking through different ideas. I have so many ideas generated by so many music therapists over the past decades that I can never get through them all! I love this type of idea bank to deposit ideas into and to withdraw from whenever I am in need of some inspiration.

So, what does this all look like?

Well, it has varied greatly over the years, but I now have a system that works well for me. 

Please keep in mind that I write about things that work for me, not what will work for everyone. If you use a different system, then please let us know about it!

To start off, I was part of a generation who did not have a computer during college. I had a typewriter rather than anything that could store ideas digitally. My TME database started off as a file of handwritten index cards. I still have those cards, but I have started to scan them into my digital storage so I can keep them even if they fall apart. Now, though, I spend most of my time in between my ideas book and my computer. I am searching for a way to make the time at my computer more of a thing, but I haven't found it...yet.

I use Excel as my database format, and all of my TMEs are in either pdf or Word files. I try to link all of my TMEs in the database to the files stored in my folders so I can click on a link and the file pops up! I also sort things based on author, titles, themes, and some goals - this is an area that I would like to develop more - the goal search method of sorting, but I cannot figure out how to do this in a way that will be easy to search in Excel. I have dreams, though.

The best thing about this sort of project for me is that it is never-ending. Does that sound like fun? I love coming up with new music and new ways to engage my clients with and through the music. I am working on a new project that pulls together all sorts of ideas into thematic programming to supplement the sing about mini editions that I already enjoy putting together. I'm chipping away at that work system as I keep adding ideas to what I want to do as a music therapist.

Today is a day off from work as I try to get some answers about my current back issues from my doctor. I will spend some of the day working on my TME database and thinking of things to do with my TMEs.

Have a wonderful Tuesday, all!


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