Making Slow Progress Towards My Organizational Goals...

In the past week, I have made some progress on my continuing quest of getting my home organized the way I want it. I cut the bottoms off of two of my four hand-made bookshelves so they will fit in my library room - the apartment ceilings were taller than my house ceilings - and I have emptied a couple of boxes. In addition, I also started my bedroom clean up by putting off-season clothing into bags to put in my closet. I have rearranged bits and pieces of my craft area and have brought down a couple of loads of instruments to the room that will end up being my music therapy room.

I have also taken several naps, cried in my bed all day over senseless deaths, finished a junk journal for a colleague, written two proposals for the World Congress for Music Therapy in 2023, gone outside my home to shop and to watch a movie, and despaired over the amount of things that I have and that I still want to do and the lack of money that I have that directly affects the amount of things that I can get done around here. My backyard is an absolute disgrace - the weeds are very tall, and I just can't bring myself to get outside to do things about it. So, I am contacting mowing companies to see if anyone will be willing to mow my yards a couple of times per month. We will see...

At this point right now, I am looking over my second living room and am in despair, but I also have another week to keep chipping away at things. I am glad to know that I have that time to keep doing things...and keep working towards my quest for organizing. At this moment, I have to get some books up in the library before I can finish the task of cutting down the bookshelves and then loading them up with books. That's my first step towards organizing...getting the library up and functional for me! I love the idea of all of my books in just one place, organized the way that I want to have books organized - by author and by type of fiction/nonfiction. Once I have the bookshelves where I want them (by the wall by the doorway), I will be able to see what additional space I have available for new bookshelves and for my music therapy journals, texts, and additional resources. I can keep my visual aid archive in there - there is also a really big closet in that room, so I can use that space for things as well! I am getting excited about all of this!

I am really in the place of "things look worse," and I am hoping that will change into "before it looks SO much better!" So, books first.

Books first. I found the box with all of my music therapy journals as I was unpacking yesterday. I have years and years of these journals - some of them never even looked at. I wonder if they are at all valuable to other people - I know that there is free access to all of them along with membership in the American Music Therapy Association. I wonder if other people would like my archive? If you do, let me know...

One more week of time in this state of getting things organized...time to go move books from one place to another. See you later!


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