Back to Blogging...It Has Been a While

Hello, all.

It has been quite a bit of time since I have blogged, and I am happy to be able to be back at the computer and writing something. I threw my back out and have not been able to sit, stand, walk, or lie down without extreme pain for the past two weeks...or is it three weeks? I am not really all that sure what the timing is, but it has been a long time. I have tried to blog, but I have not been able to sit for long enough to do anything. I have also been saving as much energy as possible for work - I spent an entire week at home because I couldn't drive. It has been quite the adventure in pain and inability to do things - all sorts of things. I now go to physical therapy for my back, and I am waiting for my insurance to deny the ordered lumbar MRI to see what is going on in my lower back. I assume that they will deny it since they have denied every other diagnostic test that my doctors have ordered over the past three years. That, however, is another story.

I am getting ready for some professional development for myself! I have signed up for a free group situation through Berklee - I am going to be part of the Music Education and Special Needs Group, and the course starts in about 40 minutes from now. I am interested in developing some techniques for my music therapy clients to assimilate back into general music education settings when they leave my facility and return to their community schools. I am not sure if this will be something that has value for me, but I am willing to find out.

I am not sure how I learned about this opportunity, but it came across my email, and it seemed intriguing. I signed up and am now getting ready to see what it is all about. There is some sort of project involved, so I have been brainstorming ideas about what I could possibly contribute - without knowing anything about the course except the topics that we are discussing. The course runs from now to the 21st of May, so I will have about six hours of Zoom for the next seven weeks. Oof. I am hoping that I will be able to access this course through my tablet if I cannot manage sitting at my computer for that long. I think it will work, but I will need to check that out.

How early is too early to sign in? I am getting my time-related anxiety responses right now. I will log in 15 minutes early - that is still 9 minutes away. Wish me luck, all. I hope to be a good representative of our profession in this special group.

One of the best things about being laid up lately is that I have come up with some new ideas to share with the music therapy community. I am working hard behind the scenes on getting these projects going. If you would like to be one of the first to know about some new session materials that I am developing, please sign up for my quarterly newsletter on the website here.

Only four minutes I go!

Thanks for being here. 


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