Thoughtful Thursday: Too Much Happening to Think About...

My life has been ridiculous lately. I really have tried to sit down and write a bit about it all, but each time I start, I get bogged down in all the stuff that is happening and then I just get crabby and depressed about all of it, so I abandon one of the tools that helps me be a better me - my blog.

Today, though, I am going to write something. I don't know what it will be yet, but I will write something on this blog. 

I am the type of person that craves structure, order, and consistency. When those things are hard to find, then I spiral a bit. I have finished my spiral (I am hoping!), so it is time to get back into my structure, order, and consistency. Most of these systems are things that I impose upon myself - some of them are imposed upon me by work, by family, by other structures - but, most of them are my own.

So, I am finding myself in need of the structure that I've neglected recently. To start with, I am blogging this morning. To be honest, I did attempt to blog over the past three days, but each of the posts ended up frustrating me to the point of deleting the work. I have also focused on using my books and my journals to organize my tasks. I looked at my March box yesterday and noticed several things that I want to get finalized for next month's sessions. I need to laminate several of the resources that I have hoarded over the past several years and never used, because they were not laminated. I also want to develop TMEs for those resources.

One of the systems that I have ignored at work lately is working on my project list. I am so involved with my current visual aid system revamp that I am not really doing much with TME development or visual aid making. I am finding all sorts of projects that are not finished and could be very easily - if I made the time. So, it is time to make that time - at least a little of it. Today and Mondays are my light group days. I have three groups today and two individuals, so I have time to work on other things. I just need to do that rather than sitting at the computer. It is so much easier to just sit at the computer...

It is time to figure out some goals for today. Work goals will be formed at work. Home goals are made here at home. I need to move the trash cans out this afternoon - that's on the list. I have an internship audition this evening - cannot forget that! I have lots of organizing things that I need to do, and I need to do things like dishes and cook and heat up food and all that. I also need to change the color cartridge on my printer (which means I need to find the color cartridge for my printer), send off a copy of something in the mail, and get going on some of the stuff that I have been neglecting.

So, all the things that are going on will be compartmentalized because that is how I cope the best - by putting things into structures and categories. Time to get going... 


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