Got the Safety Goggles and Now I Have to Use Them...

I finally got my safety goggles and now I have no excuses for not working on my bookshelves. I am scared. I am still not used to the idea that I can actually anchor things to the walls without the landlord getting all upset about stuff. I am the landlord. I am the landlord. I am the landlord.

I cut off the first two legs of my bookshelves on Saturday. I managed to cut off too much and scare a LARGE spider in the process, so I just gave up. My anxiety took off, and I compensated by going to lie down the rest of the day. I didn't go downstairs at all yesterday afternoon. Instead, I did laundry and emptied a bag of clothing and put most of the laundry away. Not all of it, but most of it.

Since I cut the bookshelf a little too small, I bought some brackets to add to the wall to keep it in place. Now, I have to learn about anchors. It seems easy enough, but I have never done one before, so it is something new to study. I have to find my drill bit.

This morning started really early. Most Mondays do. I was not in the mood to doze - had an anxiety dream about a specific student getting into my office - so I sat up and did the social media thing. I am now showered and almost ready for the day. I will be leading one group and one individual session today. I will also be filling in time for my intern when her TMEs are finished and there is more time left. We only have three groups on Mondays - with the empty class that we have right now - so it is an easy day. I am going to spend some more time organizing my visual aids. I want to move things from my bookshelves to my almost empty cabinet. That will make the bookshelves look less cluttered - the cabinets have doors that close, so there's that - the clutter is a bit more hidden from obvious sight.

Well. I am just sitting here, wasting time before heading up to get dressed and ready for work.

I don't have much to say today, but I feel like I need to keep writing. 

I spent some money this weekend on books from some independent bookstores. I will be getting a book from Dan Rather, What Unites Us, and some silly merchandise and a random bunch of books from my local store. I think they deliver it directly to my door. In fact, now that I think about it, I had a random doorbell ring on Saturday - it might already be here. I need to look around a bit more after the sun comes up. That might be what the doorbell ring was all about. I don't think I looked all over the entry area yesterday morning. There might be a box on the porch. The other order is on its way, and I am looking forward to getting the tote bags and pencil pouches that I ordered as well. Did I need ANY of this stuff? Of course not, but that didn't stop me!

Okay, it is time to get going with the primary thing that happens in my life - work. I want to try to be on time rather than really early this morning. I am not usually all that successful at being on time rather than early. I am almost always too early for everything. This fact means that I end up reading a book outside of the place where I need to be quite often. I am in between books at the moment - hence the reason that I went looking at bookstores this weekend. I will pick a book from the pile on my library room floor and take it with me so I have something to read that will enrich my brain rather than engaging in mind-numbing activities on the computer.

Speaking of mind-numbing activities - it is time to go!! Thanks for reading just another nothing to do with music therapy post.


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