I Just Can't Do Another Year In Review Post - I Can't

So, I won't.

The worst thing about being away from my full-time job and being at my home rather than in California with my family is that I have lots of time for thinking. At times, that thinking is overwhelming, and I am experiencing that feeling right now. I am surrounded by books, by crafting supplies (all the ones EXCEPT the ones I need to finish my latest book), by boxes, by chores, and by things that are not quite in the right place...yet.

I spent some time looking at the posts that I wrote at this time last year. I was not in a really good space at that time. My Dad was dying. My cat had died. I was here, alone again, and engaging in my thinking process. This year, I want to focus on other things. Thinking leads me to grief which leads me to feeling like there are things that I am failing at - on a regular basis. I'm not sure that avoiding this type of post - a year in review post - is going to stop me from thinking, but I know that it will help me focus on what I want to get finished here at home. So, for the moment, I will be only thinking about what I need to get finished today...until that doesn't last any more.

Today's intentions are as follows - unpack a couple more boxes; get the grocery order; wait for the new chair to arrive as promised; cancel my renter's insurance; get a new gasoline card; try not to take a nap. I am thinking that the guest bedroom will need to become a music therapy room. That would mean moving the instruments downstairs from the really small upstairs room and moving the movies and music to the upstairs room. The upstairs room would then be the entertainment room. The downstairs room (much bigger than the upstairs room) could then be my place for instruments and for my music therapy texts.

I am finding that this entire process of moving from the residence where I remained for 17 years to a new place is a bit overwhelming at times. I am trying to figure out where things are at the moment, and I am not finding what I am looking for most of the time. I am also trying to put things in the places where I want them to end up, but my concept of where things go is fluid. 

One of the things that I uncovered yesterday during my unpacking (looking for bookmaking materials and not finding any!) was boxes of music therapy textbooks. I am trying really hard to downsize a bit, so I will be offering music therapy materials and texts to interested music therapists in my geographical location. I have to figure out what to offer and how to do it. I reached out to a local professor but have received no response. Gotta love it when people ignore you...I'm used to it, though. I may be thinking about that at the moment...hmm.


I will be sorting my texts into books I have read and books that I have not read. My to be read pile has not shrunk much since last year. I will NOT be adding to that pile until I have finished the stack that I bought last year. I have WAY too many books to be trying to get more! I will also be arranging my copies of the music therapy journals that I have gathered over the years into chronological order (my favorite order!). I don't read those, but I feel like I need to keep them for some strange reason.

I am thinking that it would make sense to switch (yet again) the guest bedroom with what is currently the instrument room. There is more space downstairs than upstairs, so making the guest bedroom the music therapy room would make sense. The upstairs room could then be devoted to DVDs, music, and other entertainment. I need a good chair or lounge for that room. More things to buy.

Does that ever stop? The finding of more things to buy??

Since this blog post has taken me almost two hours to write (many things have been deleted this morning), I think I will move into the second part of this day - the unpacking and not thinking part of the day.

Happy - what day is it?? Wednesday? - Wednesday!


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