Back To Routine

It is 5:39 am, and I am eating breakfast after taking my mother and my sister to the airport to head home after a week here with me. I decided not to try to go back to sleep - there is still a bit of doubt about whether they will actually get out of here due to COVID-related cancellations. I am way too awake to sleep now. With their departure and the end of my apartment life, I now have time to get back into my routine.

When I moved in a month and a couple of days ago, I established a chore routine that has been working pretty well for me. I keep it tucked into my bullet journal, behind the picture of my Dad, and try my best to keep up with the chores for each day. Today, being Sunday, is my bullet journaling day and my catch-up day for all other chores. I really haven't done my jobs this week, so I will start this week off right. Tomorrow is laundry and bathroom day, so I will spend a bit of time doing those chores in between setting up the office space and the craft room. 

(I have just finished some of the furniture ordering that my sister wanted me to get done, so I can expect some new furniture this week. I still need to get some chairs for the living room, but I am thinking that can wait until I have a bit more money in my coffers.)

My chore distribution is pretty manageable since I have kept only two things per day, max. Like I said, I have a chart that I have put together that is kept in my bullet journal, but I want to rewrite it and laminate it so it will last for a long time. My chore breakdown is as follows:

  • Monday - laundry and bathrooms
  • Tuesday - bedroom spot check and master bedroom clean
  • Wednesday - office clean
  • Thursday - trash/recycling and kitchen
  • Friday - living room and vacuum downstairs
  • Saturday - lawn work and robot vacuum maintenance (upstairs)
  • Sunday - bullet journaling and catching up on chores

Each day has something to do, which is the only way that I will keep up with this list. If I can keep up, then the chores should take no more than an hour each day. My next door neighbors are quiet and seem to think that I am pretty quiet as well, so I can do some cleaning in the early mornings as well as after work every day.

Routines are good for me. I like having some structure to my day, and I miss it when it goes away. I am hoping that my chores routine will be something that will keep my new house looking its best. I would like to have the comfort of knowing that I can ask people in at any time.

My family members are boarding their flight, so I guess they haven't been cancelled. Thank goodness.

My routines have been interrupted over the past month as I have been moving from place to place and trying to figure out how to get to things that are put in various boxes all over the house. I have not found my Tupperware. I need that. I have not found the rest of my towels. I need those as well. These are my goals for this week - to find the things that I really need to find and unbox as much as I can. The rest of the stuff can be done as they get done, but there are some things that need to be found. There are some things that need to be moved to their more permanent places (rather than just piled up in my bedroom), and there are some things that should be tossed out or donated to others. I have a long week to get some of this finished up!

In between cleaning things, finishing things, and rearranging things, I am going to establish my quests for 2022, reveal my word for this new year, and play with my craft supplies. In fact, I have a junk journal to finish up this morning before I head to church. It is time to get going.

See you at some time tomorrow!


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