Moving Will Do's - My Constant Quest for Organization

One of my constant quests is to be more organized in all sorts of ways. I am a bit better about being organized in my music therapy professional life than I am in my personal life, but I am striving to be better.

The recent change in my life of moving to place with a dedicated room large enough for my music therapy office and my crafting studio is leading me to rearrange my world significantly. I am trying to think about what I want to be doing as well as how my practices will affect my organization. I also want my organization to affect my practices, so...

Lots of thinking going on around here.

Yesterday was a day of rest after the angst of Wednesday and the unpacking start of Thursday. I spent most of yesterday watching vapid television and reading books rather than doing anything of import. I did figure out that the spare remote control that I have that doesn't work probably needs to be reprogrammed and then it should work. I ordered some gifts for Christmas for my mom and my sister (who are coming to visit ME!), and also got my remotes, a cover for my garbage disposal, and some shoes to help me with my tendon issues. My one foray into the world of shopping was to get groceries at my local store. Otherwise, I successfully avoided all sorts of things that make me feel stressed - searching for deals along with SO MANY other people and all the people and all the Christmas music...oh, it makes me exhausted just thinking about it all.

I spent my time yesterday thinking about things and moving things from one place to another and trying really hard to keep myself going without slipping into overwhelm and anxiety.

I have to spend some time today working on this downstairs room and getting my library started in the fourth bedroom. I need some books to take upstairs to read - I have put the upstairs television in my second bedroom so I am not watching tv at night as I sleep. This change in television location is leading me to sleep better - I think. I am going to sleep early because things get so dark so quickly, but I seem to be sleeping pretty well lately. I have also been able to go off all my allergy medications without having any sort of runny soon as I wrote that, I cursed myself. There it goes - starting to drip.

Anyway, there are things that I am trying to figure out right now.

At the moment, I really want to find the rest of the bookshelves so I can make up my second desk area. I want to make some stuff - there are books and tags and themed file folder ideas out there calling my name. I am trying really hard to find materials in the maze of boxes covering the downstairs bedrooms. I am searching for my cutting boards at the moment. I found my stencils, washi tapes, and post-it stash on Thursday. I have found some of my punches, and I have lots of ideas floating around my head. I just need to get my desk up so I have the surface area to create something. There is a bit more space on the crafting side of the room, so I can put up my storage and my laminator and all that sort of stuff. There will probably also be space for the sewing table on that side of the room. I am excited about getting this part of my new home organized. Everything else can wait until this part of my life is organized and functional.

So, it is time to get started on sorting boxes and emptying the craft stuff into the storage. 

I am still working on zones to help me with my organization of my stuff and my life. I have a marker zone right now. I am starting a paper storage zone.. I am going to make a sewing zone and a gluing zone. I still need a filming zone, a printing zone, a laminating zone, a cutting zone, and a packaging zone before things are completely organized to the point where I can feel settled. In the meantime, I will be finding what I can find to get my creativity jump started again after a month of packing up instead of making things. It has been a long time since I've done anything creative, so I am bursting at the seams to make something. I'm thinking a book of some sort...or maybe a book on closing phrases for my clients...or maybe a digital file for my Teachers Pay Teachers store...who knows?

Anyway, the more I organize, the more I want to create! It is time to keep going. Now, where did I put the labels??


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