Synthesis Sunday: What I've Learned About My Style as a Music Therapist

What is your music therapy style? How do you do this job that we share? Are you a "it's all about the music shared between the client and the therapist" type, or a "all sessions must be planned around the client's goals" type? Are you someone who likes to create new music at every session opportunity, or are you someone who likes to have memorized music in predictable patterns? Are you someone who identifies as a music therapist within a specific theoretical or technical structure, or are you someone who identifies as "eclectic" when it comes to how to do this job?

I am curious about how other people define themselves at the moment, probably mainly because I am moving to a new home and am going through all of my stuff. It is amazing how much stuff you can accumulate when you live in a place for 17 years, especially when you tend towards wanting and keeping all the stuff!

I am wondering why I am thinking about this right now, but I think it is because of my current thoughts about the insistence of so many of us on labeling ourselves in various contexts and within specific social constructs. I am not all that interested in labeling my personal aspects (translation - feel free to use any pronouns to refer to me) for public consumption, but I am constantly looking at my music therapy identity to try to figure out my philosophical and theoretical characters in this complex profession of ours.

As I am looking around my boxes of stuff, I am sure that I am an eclectic therapist functioning from a humanistic philosophical perspective. I like having stuff to enhance my music therapy interactions, but I am secure in my knowledge of how music works with and for the humans who choose to be my clients to know that the music is important - the visual aids are not as important. I function within a combination of improvisation and structured strategizing. My humanistic outlook provides me with a client focus over any other type of focus. I do not have to perform within the strict behavioristic format of Antecedent/Response/Reinforcement as a humanist. I can, if it is needed for the client to engage safely, but it is not my primary focus as a therapist.

There are many other aspects of my personality that come into my music therapy style. I am someone who likes structures and boundaries, but who also needs freedom within those boundaries. I also like stuff, so if you ever need an instrument or a visual aid or a therapeutic music experience idea, I'm your source!! If I don't have it, I will make it! I like making things for others to use. I love problem solving and trying to figure out how to do things better, faster, and more efficiently. I also like sharing my ideas, products, and tips with other people - ESPECIALLY other music therapists!

That's a completely different topic, though.

Anyway, I also believe that I am constantly evolving as a music therapist. When I am not seeking out growth opportunities, I find that I am stagnant in how I engage with my clients and with other people.

What is your music therapy style, passion, and perspective? I am interested. Let me know in the comments on social media or here on this post! 


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