
My missing client has been found alive.

That's all that I am allowed to say about the circumstances, but at least this had a relatively good ending.

I am not good in situations like this. I tend to feel way too much and so I try to disconnect myself from emotion when things are uncertain. I also tend to spend way too much time imagining worst case scenarios and getting myself ready for what could happen rather than doing much of anything else.

The conclusion to this story is an answer to prayer.

As I was driving into the sun yesterday afternoon, I prayed for a resolution to this situation because the not knowing what was happening was affecting all of us. We needed an answer, so I asked for an answer. We went to sleep not knowing what was going on but knowing that everyone who could was looking for this person. I awoke very early this morning and felt that we knew something. I didn't find out that this person had been found, alive and unharmed, until I got myself up and over to the computer. There was the press release.

This was a best case scenario for sure, and I am glad that this has been revealed as a positive thing.

Things are not always this positive, but this one was, and I will remember that. 


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