Already Confused About Which Day it Is...Not a Good Sign...

It is the first morning of my break, and I already have thought that it was Tuesday for some strange reason. I sat down, looked at the empty page and thought, "Time to figure out my TME since it's Tuesday." Sigh. This may be a long week. Fortunately, I remembered that it is actually Friday, NOT Tuesday, so I am writing a less structured post right now.

I am going to go house hunting this afternoon with my very patient realtor who continues to try to find a place for me to move into. We both find the same listings and contact one another about then, which I find pretty funny but also find a good indication that she knows what I am interested in. Anyway, we have two places to go see today, and who knows?

It is time to start my day, but I have very little idea where to start. The only task that I put on my list for today is the dishes, so I guess that will be a good place to go. Once the dishes are done, I can put the rest of the groceries away. That will uncover some of the cluttered space on the floor. After that, I should be able to find something else to occupy my time. I am already very tired - I'm not breathing well - so I will probably spend lots of time doing my asthma medication regimen to get that under control. The rest of the day is uncoordinated. 

I was prepared to give a webinar on time management and organization last evening, and no one arrived, so let me review the types of things that I talk about in that particular webinar to help me organize my time. First, make a list of things that need to be done. Second, prioritize that list. (Now, when I am talking about this to interns, I focus on the need to prioritize client-related tasks before others in order to ensure that our responsibility to our consumers is taken care of before leisure or other projects. I have no responsibility to my clients for the next 10 days, so I need to be thinking a bit differently about my priorities. Third, arrange your time into chunks (if this concept works for you - it does for me - 30 minute chunks). After that, get going! Fourth, check things off!

Okay. Time to go. 


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