What I'm Reading: A Week Off...

Originally, I had planned to take next Sunday off from writing this series, but I did not get any reading done in my Emotional Processes book this week, so I guess I will be writing a bit about my reading next week...maybe. We shall see.

This has been a quiet weekend of crying (for some reason - not sure why), and planning, and watching WAY too much television, and not wanting to move much. I had a really bad arthritis situation on Wednesday that pretty much just threw the rest of my week into pain and the need to rest more than usual. So, I did and really tried not to feel guilty about resting so much. I am now starting to get things pulled together for my next break, and the to-do list is piling up. I had yet another early morning this morning, so I am not really at my best right now. I will try to stay awake all day today without any sort of naps in order to get back into a routine. We will see if it works or if I should just get used to being awake at 2am.

That's it for today. I will take my book with me on my next break and get some quality reading done! I will!! It will be the only book that I take with me - the rest will be on the Kindle...


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