Waiting For My Bananas to Ripen

That would be a good title for a song - waiting for my bananas to ripen.

I am a picky banana eater - I do not like green bananas and they have to be at just the right amount of yellow before I will eat them. The bananas that I got yesterday are still green. One should be just about right either tonight or tomorrow morning. The others still need a couple of days to be just right for me.

One of my biggest frustrations and challenges in life is having to wait for certain things to happen before other things can be done. Usually, the things that I have to wait on are things that are not mine to do, so that makes the frustration and challenge that much more. If I am the reason behind the waiting period, I can handle it so much better than if I have to wait for someone else to do their part of the job. I hated group projects in school for this very reason.

I am currently in a bit of a waiting pattern right now with my office/closet space.

I am waiting for a cabinet to arrive so I can move things around so I can move out of my office into my closet. I am waiting for a desk. I am waiting to know if there are other plans going on before I do all sorts of work. In addition, my Promethean board is sitting there, waiting for me to start working on it in my music therapy sessions. I have a full brain, but I am waiting.

Today, I want to move the large file cabinet from my office area to under the Promethean board. I will take the books and files from that cabinet, move them to the closet, and then move the file cabinet to its new home under the Promethean Board. I will then move some of my Sub Plan supplies to that cabinet so students have things to do when I am absent. I have to be careful about what I leave out and accessible because things get destroyed pretty rapidly - reality of working in a place where others are not as concerned about my stuff as I am. I also want to find out if I can turn the darn board off! Kids are "using" the board more than I want them to be "using" the board in music therapy - AKA, leaving the group to turn on the board whenever they want...that's not going to happen in my room. I do not want students deciding what we are doing in music therapy during groups. That's my job!

The to-do list is filling up.

Wait for the bananas to ripen.

See you tomorrow for TME Tuesday. 


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