So...I Was a Little Bit Bad...

...and spent money that I didn't have to spend on Amazon Day last stuff is starting to arrive now, and I am still pleased with my choices...

I bought some spoons - my students seem to LOVE these, but the best part about them is that they bend. I don't love that as much, so I buy new ones every so often. That way, when they get so bent that I can no longer straighten them to a semblance of their former selves, I can replace them. I also bought a pair of mini kalimbas. I could not resist. They are in the picture above with the musical spoons for reference. They sound really good, and I like that they came in such cute packaging. Those things, a striker for my singing bowl, a drum set cover, and some paper things made up my order.

Then...Thursday arrived and with it, Throw Back Thursday posts from my friends. One friend (actually, my middle and high school crush) has a dad who spent all of my friend's band life taking pictures of what was happening. Since I was in band with that friend, I made it into many of the pictures. There were several pictures posted where I caught a glimpse of MJ circa 1985 or 1986. We were at a concert at Disneyland, and, MAN, I was rocking that attempt at Princess Di's feathered haircut!

I look at this picture of me in my stylish white jeans, black polo shirt and white tie and just think - GRACIOUS. We thought we were all that. The guys wore white shirts and black pants (except for the guy walking in front of me for some reason) and yet, the girls had a uniform - we all had to get the same styles of things. Interesting. We had to wear dress shoes as well - to stand in the back of the jazz band and play our trumpets. The guys got to wear sneakers.

This young woman knew at this point that she wanted to be a music therapist. She didn't really know what that meant, but she knew those two words were the fate she had ahead of her. She had also pretty much decided where she was going to go to college. She had not decided to work with persons on the Autism Spectrum yet, but it was just a matter of time.

I'm a bit distracted by how long my pants are in this picture - I can NEVER find pants that cover my legs that way anymore. I wonder where I got those...I wonder if I could find that style now.


I like these Throwback Thursdays because I get to remember the life of being a band geek in all it's glory! We had so much fun playing music together in all the ensembles. I was in every single band that we had at my schools. I did not sing in school until the last semester of my senior year because I was not allowed to do both. I had to do other things during my other elective selection - French (my language requirement) was also considered an elective even though it was required for graduation. I just didn't have time to do all the things that I wanted to do musically, but I wouldn't trade those days for anything...or go back to relive them either. I enjoyed high school, but I was ready to go when it was time.

This future music therapist knew what made her happy - making music with other people - and she did all of that she could. 


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